Monday 19 February 2018

New Phone (Feb.16, 2018)

Finally got my new phone turned on and took my first picture with it.

I worked through lunch today which I'd planned in advance so I brought a piece of the zucchini lasagna we made last night for lunch.

That is all the pictures that I have for today so here are a few Facebook memories.

My Honey built a beautiful wooden bed for Professor Snuggles but he wasn't having any of it and opted to sleep in an actual box.
He was just loving it in there too.

This picture always cracks me up.
He was so NOT impressed to be wearing the Santa hat.

Las Vegas Trip 2014 continued

I had some fabulous french toast for breakfast.

We had a little visitor at the table.
He was enjoying the maple syrup just as much as I was.

We tried a few new to us flavors of chips.
We love sriracha so figured these would go over good.

I am a huge chicken and waffles fan so was excited about this flavor as well.

Enjoying a scrumptious desert.

Doesn't it look fab?

My Honey was also enjoying a fabulous desert.

We were making sad faces because it was our last day of the trip.

Boo hoo - we didn't want to leave (we never do).

We stumbled upon a little Cuban place so we gave it a try.

Empanadas - yum yum.

This is how they looked inside.

Did great following plan again.

Average step count for me lately.

That is all for today.

Until next time, be happy!

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