Tired for work again this morning.
When I got home at lunch time, My Honey had the wall where the closet had been before all closed up.
It looks really great!
I was battling a headache all day - likely due to lack of sleep.
After work, we took another load to the dump.
Think we are at a standstill now with what we can do until the fireplace insert gets here.
I ate a whole one to myself.
That sounds like a lot but there are super thin crust and not huge so it isn't as bad as it sounds.
I got out a bag in preparation for my 40 day purge challenge.
Even put my first item in there.
Purging feels so good - I highly recommend it.
It's almost like losing weight because it makes you feel lighter (at least it does for me).
We watched a couple episodes of GOT again tonight.
Only one more episode of Season Five left to go.
My Honey didn't hear back about his truck yet so he decided to take tomorrow off.
Hopefully it isn't anything too major and he is able to get it fixed and back on the road shortly.
I saw this online today and thought it was funny.
Just to be clear - My MIL is a very dear lady whom I love and respect very much - this is in no way a reference to her at all.
Went over in my daily's today.
The pizza was worth it though.
Pretty standard number for my steps recently.
I decided that I am going to get back to working out early mornings when we get back from vacation.
Right now I am going to focus on staying on track with weight watchers.
I have already been having thoughts creeping in to my mind saying to just go ahead and eat whatever as I am going on vacation soon anyway.
I've been successful so far at battling those ideas away but it's tough.
So one thing at a time I've decided.
I will get back to the working out though.
I am signed up for a 5k in April and my goal is to be able to run the whole thing.
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!
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