Monday 19 February 2018

Girl Day (Feb.17, 2018)

This morning I got a few things done around the house then I got a message from my dear friend DZ back in NS wanting to know if it was true and if I was really joining the Nanny club.
She was visiting another friend, TR, in Cape Breton and asked if I could live message with them for a bit so I did and it was nice to catch up.

I talked with them for quite awhile and DZ seems to be doing much better than the last time I spoke with her so that made me happy.

After our chat, my mom, my niece and I went for a trip to WCT.
The sun is shining and we are on our way.

On the way, I got a message from My Honey about a co-workers wife.
They very recently discovered that she has cancer and it isn't good news.
It started as cervical and spread to her lungs and they are only giving her a year.
It is just so devastating.
Her husband, brother and father all work for us and she used to work with us in the office herself.
They have two young daughters, 5 and 7.
She is barely 30 herself.
She is also fit and I thought healthy, she has always taken care of herself, never smoked, worked out.
The news is just so hard to believe.

They are looking for second opinions and I am praying that they find a more optimistic diagnosis.

It is scary how much life can change in an instant.

I had an appointment for a pedicure (need my toes in tip top shape for flip flops next week).
I made mom an appointment to get her hair done.
She had decided not to color it anymore and just let it go grey.
She still needed a cut though.
Her hair dresser sold her business and does it out of her home now and this is my first time taking mom there.
She sent me a text with her address but of course it was before I switched over phones so I can't get the information.
So we just kind of drove around until we were late, waiting for her to get in touch with us, which she did.
I dropped my niece off at Walmart, mom at her hair appointment then I went to my appointment.

Yup, I am ready to be pampered.

Kim herself did my pedicure today.

It took a little bit because she had to take off the old polish.

I was leaning toward an aqua blue or an orange and I was texting My Honey so I got his opinion.
His pick was orange so that is what I went with.

I think it turned out well.

After my pedicure, I picked mom up and we met Miss M at Walmart.
I had a few things I needed to pick up then afterwards we decided to have Timmie sandwiches for lunch.
They have changed their turkey bacon club and instead of processed meat, they have real turkey now.
They also got rid of the honey mustard and use mayo now.
It was a good lunch.

Next stop was No Frills.
Miss M needed groceries.

Our final stop was Dollarama.

Isn't she a beauty!

Mom with her hair all did!

The back of the truck was loaded up, mom could barely fit in there!
We made the trip back home, got everything unloaded then I met my boy down at the office.

I had picked up this treadmill for $100 and had it in an office at work.
My son wanted one though so I told him he could have it.
He & I loaded it up and took it to his place.

This afternoon I got all caught up on my episodes of Nashville.

I saw this at the dollar store so I picked it up for My Honey and I to try.
I had a piece and I did not like it at all.

He tried it later and didn't like it either.

When he got home we watched a couple episodes of Game of Thrones.

Paddington was pretty chill.

Professor Snuggles was chilling out too.

I did not track my points today on Weight Watchers but I was careful about what I ate.

Did a little better on the step front today.

That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy.

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