Friday 16 February 2018

Happy Valentine's Day! (Feb.14, 2018)

There was so much snow out there this morning that mom couldn't even open the back door to let Max out.
When I went out to start the truck, I only had my capri pajama pants on and the snow was up to my knees.
I am so not a cold weather girl.

My new phone arrived yesterday - YAY!
I didn't set it up yet, I am hoping I can hang on until my new cases get here.
I may have to just go ahead and do it though if they aren't here by the weekend.
I want to take my new phone with me on our trip next week.

Finally going to go get this grey covered up today.

Breakfast was egg creations - the cheese & chive kind.
They smell so good when they are cooking, they taste super delicious and they are only 1 point for 1/2 cup.
I love them.

BN gave us girls in the office Valentine's treats today.
Very nice of him!

I worked through lunch so I could leave a bit early to go to my hair appointment.
So cottage cheese and grapes was my lunch.

In the chair, ready for this grey to be gone!

Just getting the roots done this time, next time I am going to be brave and get a new color or something.

My Honey's truck was ready to be picked up so once she finished with the color, even though I usually would get her to straighten it for me, I  told her not to bother because we had to drive to WCT to pick the truck up.

We got the truck then stopped at the casino for some supper seeing as it is Valentine's Day and all.
My Valentine.

Hard to tell but the grey is gone!

Our supper took forever!
I am sure we waited over an hour for it.
I know I finished two virgin Caesar's and probably could have had a third.

I had the chicken and ribs.
When it finally showed up, I wasn't even that hungry anymore.
I ate the breast of the chicken, the veggies and a quarter of the baked potato.
We took the rest home for My Honey to have for lunch tomorrow.

My Honey's burger looked delicious.
He confirmed that it was.

My Valentine!
(This was taken at my work Christmas party a couple years back)

Texas Trip 2016 Memories Continued

There are a couple days combined together here.

After we left Austin, we headed for Fort Worth/Dallas.

Waco was on the way and My Honey wanted to stop in and check out the Branch Davidian compound.
There ended up being not much to see, there was this memorial though.
It is quite sad what happened there. 

Pit stop at Czech Stop, a famous bakery, it was crazy busy.

Picnic lunch in Waco.

Next stop - Fort Worth Stock Yards

Lots of western/cowboy stuff to see, like this....

and this...

We saw big cowboys...

and little cowboys.

This little guy was really into it - so cute.

Imagine if we still hauled oil around in one of these things.

We found a Thai place in Dallas to have some supper.
Thai Terrace
I had my favorite Tom Kha Gai.

My Honey had his favorite, green curry.
The food was really good here.

We made a stop at Target and I was blown away by all the choices of coffee creamer they had, 


and more shelves of it.
Wish we had all those options here at home.

Found a new flavor of chips to try.

And this was a new to us flavor too.

Our last full day in Texas we just had to go check out The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.
The scene of one of those events in history where anyone who was alive at the time remembers where they were and what they were doing when it happened.
(and that was before the age of the internet and social media)

They have deemed it a historic site and everything must stay just as it was back in the 60's when the assassination occurred.

The 'x' on the road marks the spot where the second bullet actually struck President Kennedy.

Just standing here imagining what it must have been like that day for a great, happy occasion to suddenly turn into such a sad one.

The famous grassy knoll.
It is amazing how many people are still interested by this event in history and come out to see this place.

The window the arrow is pointing to is where Lee Harvey Oswald did the shooting from.
I think everyone has seen the live photage of the assassination and to be here and see this place in real life was both amazing and a little sad too.

For supper we hit up the pizza place My Honey had heard of.
(He just knows such random stuff).

We had their deep fried pizza dough with marinara sauce for dipping.
They were really good.
The pizza was great there too.

As with any city, there was lots of amazing graffiti/wall art around.
We headed back to Houston after our day in Dallas.

We got to Houston later in the evening and found a Crab Shack to have our last supper in.
My Honey went for the lobster.

I decided to give the crab a try.
I had to put my hood up because it was a little chilly out on the patio where we sat,
It also kept my hair out of my food somewhat.

This was our rental for the trip.
I am going to miss it, it was a really great vehicle.

It even had it's own signal like Batman.
Las Vegas 2014 Memories Continued

We heard great things about the oyster bar at Harrah's so we had to check it out.

I just love oysters on the half shell so I was pretty happy.

We tried the oysters Rockefeller too but the raw ones were my favorite.

We saw Terry Fator while we were there.
We thought he put on a great, entertaining show.

We also made a point to go the Golden Nugget and try out their water slide that goes through a shark tank.
It goes so fast that you can't even see anything while you are on the slide so it wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be.

Contemplating whether or not this Chocolate Pecan pie cookie would taste as good as it looks.

It did!
What a fantastic combo.

We tried Bobby's Burger Palace on the strip.
The burger I picked had bbq chips and pimentos.

It was absolutely, mouth wateringly delicious!
I totally went over on my points today, even used up more weekly's than I had available.
I still tracked it though - owning up to it.

The culprit as you can see is the trail mix my mom picked up for me for Valentine's Day.
I just can't stop with the stuff once I start.
Thank goodness she only bought a little bag of it!
Pretty standard step total for me lately
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!



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