Sunday 11 February 2018

Demo Day! (Feb.9, 2018)

My Honey got right to work this morning as soon as he got up and was sending me pictures of his progress as he went.

The dishwasher is installed and running.

He got the stone surround removed from the fireplace.

Now he's working on removing the tile.

Looking pretty good.
I asked if demolition was as fun as Chip Gaines always says it is and he said yes.

I had to go to WCT after work to pick up some paperwork from the doctors office for mom.
Before we left, my brother asked if we could watch the kiddos so they could go on a date so we had some company for the trip.

Mr H was out like a light as soon as we hit the road.

Made for a very quiet trip in.
(I can't say the same for the way home!)

Miss A picked Dairy Queen for supper so that is where we went.

My phone is really acting up so I was having lots of trouble taking pictures.
I ended up with a lot that looked like this, ha ha!

My Honey got tired of posing and as soon as he stopped, the camera snapped the picture.

We had a hard time keeping this little monkey sitting and he is not interested in eating at all.

Miss A ate her supper no problem so she was treated to desert.

My Honey also got a banana split for he and Miss A to share.
She'd never had one before.
The verdict - she loved it! 

Mr H was busy, very busy doing everything but eating.

I finally bribed convinced  him to have a couple bites with the promise of an ice cream.

It worked and he had no trouble eating every single bite.

We picked up some groceries and we had wanted to look at building materials, tiles, fireplace inserts and other things we needed for our living room renovation but soon figured out we wouldn't be getting much accomplished with the kiddos so headed for home.

We dropped them off at home and went in for a tour of their new place.
It is a really nice place, much better set up for their family.

Back at home, the living room is a disaster.
Stuff is every where.
It is going to be so worth it.

My SIL took the kids into Edmonton to see the ice castles there.
Looks like they enjoyed themselves.


These were from our trip to Vegas back in 2014.

We tried the Peppermill for the first time.

We tried a lot of food.

I ordered the nachos for an appetizer and the waitress recommended we only get the half order if we were going to be having other things so that is what we ordered.
This was the biggest dent we could make on the HALF order of nachos!

Breakfast, one of our favorites meals.
This was at Magnolia - a little place that had been featured on Diners, Drive Ins & Dives.

I had my favorite go to for breakfast.
Pancakes and bacon - heaven.

Made sure to check out the Bellagio fountains early on in the trip since I loved them so much.

We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel that trip and seeing all the memorabilia they have on display is so interesting.
This picture was to show my son.

This was to show his cousin.
She is a super huge Slash fan.

These next pictures are from our Texas 2016 trip.

We went to Galveston on Day 2.
It was late when we got there so we went straight to the hotel but as soon as we got up we were out exploring.

Just a handsome guy on the beach.

Oh yeah, it was My Honey.

There was miles and mile of empty beach, so beautiful.

Just look at that, nobody around at all.
Guess it was too cold for the locals but we thought it was lovely.

Some of the old buildings around Galveston.

A lady happened to walk by with a wagon full of puppies for sale.

OMG - too cute!

We found this place to go have some lunch/supper.

It was right on the water.
The view was nice, weird to see all the oil rigs out in the water though.

We had this for desert.
Rootbeer bread pudding.
Yes, it was delicious!

Another fabulous old building.

We left Galveston and headed for San Antonio and the traffic was just ridiculous.

I couldn't get over all the highways on top of highways, I've never seen anything like this before.

Interesting name, ha ha - it made me giggle.

I think I may have forgotten to track any snacks I may have eaten after we got home but I can't for the life of me remember what it may have been.
I know it wasn't anything bad though so I am not going to stress about it.

Did a bit better with the steps today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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