Friday 2 February 2018

Back to Bare Bones (Jan.14, 2018)

My goal for today was to spend the whole day blogging if need be to get caught up because I am so far behind.

I kind of did that.

I packed up the rest of the Christmas stuff that was hanging about so at least that is done.

It looks pretty bare around here now that it is put away.

I played around with music on my itunes, synced my ipod again and got a few blog posts done.
Then I spent some time uploading pictures on the blog.

That takes a lot of time.

I had a bath and read for awhile.

I am currently reading the first of the Game of Thrones novels and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it but I really do.

For supper I took some left over spaghetti sauce from the other day and added beans and veggies to it to make it into a chili.

I watched some TLC shows that I prefer to watch when My Honey isn't home as he really doesn't like them.

My 600Lb Life and Sister Wives.
Also watched a new series that just started "Seeking Sister Wife"

It was a pretty easy, relaxed day.

When My Honey got home he ate then ended up getting called back out.
So I really only got to spend about an hour with him before we called it a night and went to bed.

I am DEDICATED to getting up and working out in the morning.
No matter what, I am making the promise to myself that I am going to get up and get my sweat on, NO EXCUSES!

HOLY HECK, that is a super low step count.
Guess I got lots of relaxing in today!
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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