Friday 5 April 2024

Weigh in Day (Mar.11, 2024)

Monday so you know what that means - Weigh in Day!

I was 209.8 lbs.

That's up a little since last week, 1.4 lbs to be exact - not surprising though because I have kind of gotten into vacation mode a little early.

Aside from that it was a quiet day.
I was super busy at work - As usual I'm trying to get everything caught up before I go so I've been working like a mad woman to get it all done.

We had the first of our playoff games for curling tonight for the end of the season.
We lost so we are out (there are only 5 teams).
So the season is over for us just like that.

It was long, close game though so pretty much bedtime when I got home.

I remembered to take a picture of my training plan when I got home so that I would know what I was supposed to be running when we get to Vegas.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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