Tuesday 23 April 2024

Dance, Sheep & Virtual Reality (Apr.19, 2024)

 I had a very busy day at work today trying to play catch up with all my emails and other work I missed from being in meetings all week long so the day just flew by.

Alivia has dance competition in the city this weekend.
They did one dance today and her group did great, they got gold.

I stopped at the fabric store yesterday before I left the city and got this quilted fabric and this black fabric (for a really great deal) because I had this idea that I wanted to make this sheep that Linda DIY by Design made out of wood.
I think it turned out super cute, I wish I stuffed the feet/legs a bit more so they didn't bend but all in all I was really happy with it.

Mel and Alivia are in the city for the weekend for Alivia's dance and Adrien has to go to work super early tomorrow morning so he asked if Hunter could spend the night.
He brought him over later in the evening, around 9:30.

He brought over his virtual reality headset with him and he played that for a bit before he went to bed.
It's pretty funny listening to him play.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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