Tuesday 23 April 2024

(April 16, 2024)

I got to the office early so I could do some work before our meetings. 

We went to Smash Burger for lunch - I had the chicken breast sandwich and it was really good - the bun was so soft.

We were supposed to all go out together for supper but everyone said they were full so we'll go tomorrow night instead so we were all on our own for supper.

Right after work I went to Dollar Tree and got some tablecloths, cutlery and napkins and stuff for Morgan's baby shower.
Then I got myself a chicken shawarma at Pita Bake for my supper.

I stopped at Value Village to have a look around for fabric and craft supplies but the prices they charge for second hand stuff that is donated to them is outrageous and I just think it's awful so I wouldn't buy anything.

I spent the evening hanging out in my hotel room getting caught up on my blog.

I called Jason to see what he was up to, he had a visitor.

She's still super into Pogo sticks and we've been getting into Mustard Art to make it fun for her.
Jason's creation today.

He made bread today and he said it turned out really well.
Glad I'm not there because I would NOT be able to resist freshly baked bread.
I've not been tracking but I've been making very good choices so far this week - I haven't been able to weigh myself each day to see how it's going so far but I feel good.

I had a heck of a time falling asleep tonight, after midnight I was still wide awake.
I'm attributing that to all of the coffee I had today - I normally have only two and never after lunch.
I think I had 5 today, some later in the afternoon (meetings can sometimes be hard, long and boring) so I really paid for that tonight.

Tomorrow I have to keep it to the 2 coffee if I want to get any sleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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