I was really looking forward to a nice relaxing bath this morning so while Jason and Freya were downstairs playing, I ran myself long.
As soon as Freya realized I was in there though she had to join me.
So not very relaxing but we made a mountain of bubbles and she thought that was great.
Kody has to go to the city again for the week on Monday and Haylee and Eden are going with him but this time we are going to keep Freya so she doesn't miss school.
So they wanted her to come home tonight and spend the night with them before they leave.
She really didn't want to but we took her over there around 8 thinking that she would come around.
She did not.
She laid on my lap and fell asleep then every time I'd try to get up to leave, she'd wake up and just have a meltdown.
She was just clinging to me so tightly and I felt so bad.
I hate seeing her upset and it's so hard to leave when she's so upset.
I finally had to just pull off the bandaid and do it - I know she'll be just fine but it's still heartbreaking to see her cry.
I still hadn't gotten all my steps for the day so when we got home around 9, I had to hop on the treadmill to get them done.
It was the last thing I wanted to do at that time of night but I did it.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!
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