Monday 8 April 2024

Evening with My Girls (Mar.22, 2024)

It's Fri-YAY!


I'm back on track with my training plan and today I had a 6.4k easy run on the schedule for today and I got that knocked out on my lunch hour.

Workout done = Great feeling of accomplishment.

Kody and family got back to town today and Kody had an assignment to work on so he asked if I could watch Eden and Freya for a bit.
He said Freya was asking to come over all day long.

Freya just loves holding Eden and showing us how good of a big sister she is.

I love the look Eden is giving me.

Grandma got to get some snuggles in too.

My sweet little girl.

Kody did come back when he finished his assignment to pick her up but Freya stayed and spent the night with us.

Haylee posted another picture of she and Eden from at the hotel.
Beautiful girls, both of them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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