Monday 8 April 2024

Eden Photo Collection (Mar.21, 2024)

Another busy day at the office.

It's payroll week so I've been trying to get that done on top of all the emails I'm trying to catch up on. 

My workouts all got bumped a day with me skipping Tuesday so I did yesterday's workout today, a 5k easy run.
Did it at a speed of 4.5 again.

I'm feeling great about the upcoming half- marathon, like I've really been following the training plan and pushing myself a bit.

After work, I worked on creating a wreath.
I like how it's looking but I think it needs something - like a hello or a welcome.
I'm going to think about it.

Haylee posted a photo dump with a bunch of pictures of the girls so I'm just going to go ahead and share them all here.

Eden - those big beautiful eyes though!

Sleeping Beauty.



Loving on Mama.

Mommy hugs.

Big smiles.

Crooked grin.

Mom's training her up to be a rocker.

She loves lifting up her head and looking around to see what's going on.

Sweet girl.

Catching some rays.

Being cool with big sis.

She has such big blue eyes - love them.

Love that big old smile!

All dressed up and ready to go!

Mommy and Freya.

Freya is getting so grown up - slow down girl.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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