Tuesday 9 April 2024

Sunday Treadmill Long Run (Mar.24, 2024)

Freya and I had another sleep in this morning and it was nice.

I normally like getting up early on the weekends but I've been feeling tired lately so wanting to stay in bed a bit later.


Jason was cooking up a storm for the guys at work today - on the menu for them......MEAT!

Kody came over around lunch time to get Eden's exersaucer and Freya wanted to go home with him which worked out for me because I needed to run 6 miles (9.6km) and I wanted to get it out of the way.

It wasn't very nice out so I decided to it on the treadmill.

I ran it at a speed of 4.5 and it took me just under an hour and a half to get it done.

Maybe not as enjoyable as my run down the strip last weekend but not terrible either.
I just watch home decorating shows or cooking shows to pass the time.
Some of my favorites right now are Fixer to Fabulous, Home Town and Spring Baking Championship.

I ended up making this sign that says 'hello' to add to the wreath that I made and I'm happy with how it turned out.

It kind of got me in the mood to do some more crafting but I couldn't think of anything to make so I spend some time scrolling through social media looking for some ideas.

The little wood sign with the bunny ears might be a cute thing to make.

I'm kind of into sewing right now and I think any of these kitties would be fun - I think I might make one.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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