Wednesday 10 April 2024

Nice Outdoor Run (Mar.29, 2024)

It's Good Friday so no work today - makes this Friday even better!

We had a little visitor first thing this morning.

I dropped a box of donations off to the second hand store yesterday in Whitecourt then did a little shopping while I was there to and found this overall skirt for Freya.
I got a bunch of stuff for Eden too - I love second hand shopping.
I washed it all last night because I figured she'd want to put it on and wear it as soon as she saw it.

Jason went out for a run first thing then we he got back, he stayed with Freya and I headed out.

It was a nice sunny day.

Most of the snow has melted - Yay!

Such a beautiful blue sky!

A few clouds but just enough to make it pretty.

It was still chilly though but once I got running, it was perfect.

I had to run 4 miles today (6.4k) so I bumped to an even 6.5.

The exercise details 

My average pace and splits.

I really do enjoy outdoor runs - I wish it wasn't so hilly here but it's good for training.

Freya was peaking out the window at me waiting for me to come home but I wasn't fast enough with my camera.

Zepplyn ended up coming over and the girls wanted to go out for something to eat so we took them to the Swan Palace.

Jason and Freya.

Moi - looking pretty rough today.

The girls did some drawing while they were waiting for their food.
This was by Freya.

Zepplyn did these ones.

This was also Freya.
She's quite the little artist.

I had the special so sweet & sour shrimp, mushroom chop suey and chicken fried rice.
I wasn't that crazy about it.

We ended up taking Zepplyn back home after we ate because they were heading to Barrhead.

Freya spent the night and she was out in the garage with Jason while he was figuring out how he was going to hang up the pinata for the kids on Sunday.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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