Tuesday 9 April 2024

Eden is 5 Months Old Today (Mar.26, 2024)

Eden turned 5 months old yesterday so Haylee posted a bunch of pictures to commemorate. 

5 months old today.

She's growing so fast.

She's a pro at lifting up her head.

5 months.

Such a big bright smile - Love it!

One of my co-workers that has worked in our field for like 25 years, is transferring to another district so we had a lunch for him today.

Good Luck to you Jamie!

He's been trying to get transferred to a camp job for a while now so he's excited.
He mostly worked in the field but he came in to the office for about a year or two recently to work on a project so we've gotten  to know him better and we are going to miss him.

The workout on my schedule today was 5 minutes easy run, then 5x (3 min Hard Run and 3 min Walk) followed by 5 minutes easy run.
I did the easy parts at a speed of 4.5 then the Hard portions at 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4.
It was really tough but I pushed through and did it.

Then I stayed on the treadmill for quite a bit longer to get the rest of my steps.

Boom! Got 'er Done!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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