Wednesday 10 April 2024

New MIchael Jackson Fan (Apr.4, 2024)

I've been getting Freya to bed early this week so I've been having no problem getting her up for school in the morning.


But she was tuckered out by supper time today.

I found it really hard to work from home yesterday afternoon - my computer is super slow, so I asked Morgan if she'd watch her this afternoon for me so that I could work from the office and she did.

Her and Barrett were doing some crafts so she was happy to have Freya join them and she had a good time,

I picked her up from work and she fell asleep on the couch almost immediately and slept for a couple hours.

She woke up when Jason got home and she was raring to go.
We've been watching Michael Jackson videos non stop - she took a particular liking to the Bad video.
This is her Michael Jackson outfit.

We were trying to tell her that he only wore 1 glove but she wouldn't believe us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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