Tuesday 16 April 2024

Treating Myself to IOD Spring Release (Apr.7, 2024)

We all had breakfast together at the hotel this morning before we checked out then Crystal headed to do some errands she needed to and Kody and Haylee met me at Costco to do some shopping.

Mom wanted me to get her some things - she's starting her Christmas shopping already.

I also made a pit stop at Dollar Tree but I didn't find much.

Freya was going to drive home with me but then she changed her mind and wanted to go with Mom and Dad.

They were stopping in Barrhead at Rita's to pick up Eden - she'd kept her for the night and Freya was missing her sister I guess.

She really wanted to see her.

I treated myself yesterday to a couple of the new stamps that IOD released for the spring collection.
This one is a two piece.

I wasn't going to get it at first but when I saw it in person I really liked it.
I think I will use the birds and the florals and possibly the butterfly quite often.

Then I got this stamp set as well.
I don't think you can ever go wrong with a font set - I know those I will use and the apothecary labels will probably get lots of use as well.
There is also an apothecary mold that I really like but I couldn't bring myself to spend that much money today, maybe I'll get it on another trip in the future.

The drive home was nice, I just turned on the music and I tried to turn on cruise control but I kept getting this message and it would turn off on me.

I have to look it up and see what is causing it.

I got home fairly early in the afternoon and spent most of the rest of the day getting caught up on my blog.

Between Vegas and Kody borrowing the laptop, I got way behind.

I got quite a bit of it done too so that felt awesome - I feel like it's been bogging me down a bit mentally because I knew I needed to do it and I kept putting it off.

It's just pressure I put on myself so it's kind of silly and sometimes I think I should just quit writing this but I think there will come a day when I will appreciate that I've kept up on this journal so I'm not ready to give it up quite yet.

Still resting today so didn't reach my 14,000 goal today.
Tomorrow is a rest day on the training schedule so I think I'll give my ankle one more day of rest then on Tuesday I'm going to try a run.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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