Tuesday 23 April 2024

Back Home I Go (Apr. 18, 2024)

We finished up our team meetings yesterday but I still went in to the St Albert office to work this morning.
It's payroll week so I wanted to get that done and catch on some emails that I wasn't able to get to this week.
I finished up around noon, made a couple of stops in town then headed home.

Today was Crystal's birthday - they were in the city to watch Zepplyn in her dance competition then they went back to Rita's for the night and celebrated with cake.
Eden looks excited about the candle.

When I got home, I unpacked then just chilled for the evening.
I started reading this book I picked up at Costco that Shennelle had highly recommended to me and so far, it's very, very good.
I'm hooked.

Jason got home from work around 7:30 and I was so happy to see him - I missed him.
Jason's birthday is coming up soon and I'm trying to think of ideas of things to get him, I thought he would like this shirt.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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