The sun was shining, the snow is almost all melted, I'm afraid to say it because I don't want to jinx anything but I think spring might finally be here.
It was nice out today so I made sure to get out and take in some of that fresh air and some of the sunshine.
My ankle is slightly better so I'm back to getting my 14,000 steps daily.
I was going to try a run at lunch time but when I got home I didn't feel like getting all sweaty so instead I just sat and read my book.
It's a fantasy type book and it's a little out there for me but I am liking it.
Especially now that I'm getting near the end.
After work I hopped on the treadmill.
I wanted to try doing a run to see how it would go.
I started at a 4.0 and it felt ok - I was able to run for about 15 minutes but then I just had to slow down because I could feel the pain in my ankle coming back.
I wanted to try to get a 5k run done so I decided to try doing a run walk.
I also kept the pace really slow thinking that would be less impact.
I alternated between running and walking and I did manage to get the 5k done and stayed on a bit longer so I could get my 14,000 steps done.
I'm bummed that my foot is still sore but I think maybe I'll keep running each day but I'll do the walk run method and keep it slow.
I'm also taking ibuprofen and doing the hot/cold therapy on my foot.
I have no idea how the half-marathon is going to go but I'm not giving up yet!
When I went back upstairs, Freya and Kody were over for a visit.
Freya wanted to spend the night and Jason is off tomorrow so we let her stay.
Kody found out that he passed everything on the course he just took, then he also found out that the shop he works at here in town is closing.
They are moving their trucks to Whitecourt and offered Kody the opportunity to work there or really any of their locations.
They said if he needed to move they would help him.
Kody said he didn't want to move right now so he's going to travel back and forth to their Whitecourt office and work out of there for now.
They said they'd give him a truck and pay for his gas so that will be a big help.
I will be so sad if they decide to move away - Jason and I will miss Freya so much.
Being able to just pop in and see her anytime we want is the best.
I think if they ever do move, ,we may just have to consider moving as well.
I want to be there for all of the moments in her life, big and little, not just an hour here and an hour there.
Living far away makes that tough,
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that travelling isn't too hard on Kody and the status quo just continues on.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!
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