Monday 8 April 2024

Budding Makeup Artist and Late Work Out (Mar.23, 2024)

I woke up early but I stayed in bed with Freya until she woke up just so I could get some extra snuggles in just because I'd missed her so much.

She wanted to do my makeup first thing so I let her.
Then Mom came up and she wanted to do Mom's as well.
Aren't we looking fabulous?

Selfie time.

Kody got called out to work so he brought Eden back and both girls hung out for the day.

Freya did my makeup again and she did her own as well.

This is her Blue-Da-Ba-Dee-Da-Ba-Da look.
I like it.

Eden is a big drooler - everything she wears gets soaked.
Maybe she's getting some teeth.

I love all of her little looks.

Kody ended up working much later than he expected to so it was around 9 when he came back for Eden.
Freya ended up staying the night again.

I hadn't had a chance to get out for a walk or anything so after Eden left and Jason was keeping Freya busy, I went down and walked on the treadmill until I got my 14,000 steps done.

Not my favorite thing to do at 9 in the evening but I was proud of myself for doing it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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