Friday 5 April 2024

Hair Refresh and Vacation, Here We Come (Mar.12, 2024)

My grey grows in so quickly now and look how much there is.

If I let it go, I'd be all grey - I'm not quite ready for that yet though - not too sure if I ever will be.

Kim was able to fit me in to do my roots so I went there on my lunch hour.

It makes me feel so old when the grey is showing so much.

I forgot to take a picture when it was done.

My workout today was just 5 minutes easy followed by 20 minutes tempo then 5 more minutes easy.
I did the easy runs at a speed of 4.5 then the tempo part at 4.8.
Of course I did the 3 minute warm up and 3 minute cool down.

Felt so good to get it done.

I finished up everything I wanted to at work and even was able to leave a smidge early.
When I got home I packed for Vegas and when Jason got home he did the same then we headed into the city.
We fly out tomorrow morning at 9 am so not super early but it's just easier if we are close by the airport.

We stayed at Four Points and they just have the most amazing beds and bedding.
I do me UH-MAY-ZING!!!!

This is totally us with Freya.
She's always stuck right to me - I'm not complaining though, she's growing up so fast it won't be long before she won't want to be sleeping with us.

So excited to be off to Vegas tomorrow!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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