Wednesday 10 April 2024

Morgan's Birthday Get Together (Apr.1, 2024)

 Weigh in day today and it was not good but I was expecting that.

I was 215.2 lbs.

That's up 3.2 lbs since last week.

Jason was off and Freya had no school but I still had to get up and go to work.

When I came home for lunch I baked a cake for tonight for Morgan's birthday.
She wanted the Banana Sour Cream cake that I always make so that's what I made.

I iced it as soon as I got home from work to get ready for everyone to come over.

Morgan's birthday was actually on Friday but she was busy with Kalem's family and her family so this was the first time we could all get together.

Morgan and Freya.
Her belly has popped out so much.
Only another 2 months to go.

The crew.
Kody and Haylee were gone to Edmonton already but everyone else dropped by for cake.

Hunter and his big sissy.
He's about to be an Uncle.

Freya is back to school so we got her bathed and to bed early so she'd be good and rested.
She likes wearing a bathing suit in the bathtub.
And she loves LOTS of bubbles - the jets are really good for making lots of them.

No run today and no 14,000 steps either.
I was limping quite bad today so I'm really wanting to give my ankle a really good rest.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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