Thursday 5 January 2023

Merry Christmas From Our House to Yours! (Dec.25, 2022)

 We woke up early, made coffees then headed over to Adrien's to watch them open presents.

They were waiting patiently for us to arrive.

Looks like lots of presents under there - lets get started.

Alivia got some decor for her room (It's what she wanted).

Mom and Jason.

Hunter in his Banana pj's - love them!

Merry Christmas from Hunter and I.

He wanted me to take a picture of him where you couldn't see his face, just the banana face.

I brought a couple of meat pies with me and put them in the oven to warm up.

It's our family tradition to have this for breakfast Christmas morning - It's so good.
We put molasses on it - I think its an east coast/PEI thing.

Mel's dad and wife came over to watch the unwrapping as well.

Hunter is right at the age where he wasn't too stoked about getting clothes but he also isn't really into toys anymore so there wasn't a lot else to get him.

Adrien and Mel did get him this pretty cool clock.

Alivia in her little section of the couch - it was piling up.

They got me this little snow globe and I love it.

Jason and Mel's dad, Kirby.

Adrien and Hunter.

It was nice that we could all be there.

Alivia had quite the pile over there.

Mel was handing out the gifts.

They also got me this pillow which I love.

Rob came by too when he got up.

After they opened all their gifts, we visited for a bit then we headed back home to get dinner on.
Everyone will be coming over to open presents after and then most will be coming for dinner too.

Miss Freya - they opened some gifts at their place this morning first then headed over to Crystal and Randy's before the headed here.

We got her a tote full of crafty things and she loved it.

Finding a spot for everyone to sit while we opened gifts was tough.

But we managed.
Morgan and Tanner hadn't arrived yet when I took this picture.

The tree is flooded with gifts but there are a lot of us.

They arrived just as everyone else was opening their 'stockings' so we found a spot to fit them in.

She brought a bunch of gifts with her for everyone too.

Ok, lets get this party started.
Freya got new jammie's and she had to put them on right away.

Kody, Haylee, Hunter and Rob.

Morgan, Tanner and Jason.
He's opening the bench vise I got for him that he saw in the car but I told him it was for Tanner.

Getting tickled by mom.
She was just laughing her little head off.

Haylee and Morgan.
After we opened gifts, everyone headed home, except Freya, she spent the afternoon with us.

Then around 6, our dinner guests started arriving.
Adrien and Mel and the kids were eating at her Dads so they didn't come back and Tanner was eating at his Dad's but Morgan did come back.
We also invited Crystal and Randy to join us.

Mom, Kody and Rob.

We had a few gifts for Zepplyn so she opened them when she got there.

Mom got the girls each LOL dolls and they loved them.

Crystal, Freya and Haylee.

I totally forgot to take pictures while we were having supper - oops.
We had the norm, turkey and ham with all the fixings, we added perogies to the mix this time too and I think they were a hit.

Everyone visited for a bit then Freya ended up spending the night with us.

These pictures are all from Christmas Eve at Haylee's Grandparents place in Barrhead.
The girls did some painting.

They played the reindeer toss game.

I think I should buy this for us for next year.

Then these are from this morning over at Randy and Crystals when they were opening presents.

Looks like they had a good time.

Love the family picture Randy and Crystal had taken.

So that's a wrap on Christmas for this year.
Jason did get me a trip to Las Vegas, we leave on April 12 so I'm looking forward to that.
Weather should be really nice there at that time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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