Monday 13 May 2019

Yard Saling and Sunny Days (May 11, 2019)

When My Honey got up to get ready for work, someone snuck in the room for morning cuddles.
He's such a lovey - it makes my morning every time!

I made some eggs, Kodiak pancakes and some of My Honey's lean home made sausage for breakfast.
I've been hearing lots about this new show on Netflix so I decided to give it a try.
Dead to Me.
The episodes are only a half hour long.
I watched the first two and I'm hooked!
The annual town clean up and garage sales were going on this morning and Miss H was saying she wanted to go so I texted to see if she wanted me to watch Baby F for her.

When I got over there, Baby F was just getting ready to have some breakfast.

I just love her little pony - so cute.

Mommy made her some eggs and I think she quite enjoyed them.
I decided to go look at the yard sales too so Miss H, my boy, Baby F and I all got into the truck and we were off.
The town provides a map of all the places that are having yard sales and we hit every one.

I found these chairs which I loved, aside from the fabric, so I got them.
It was $25.00 for all three.
Got them home - they will need a bit of cleaning up and I'm going to change out the fabric but I think they were a great find.

I also got these 2 gas lanterns for My Honey for $5.00.

I got this weight set for $5.00 for my niece.
I cleaned them up then dropped them off to her.

I'm always on the look out for chairs for my dolls and this little rocking chair was $3.50 so I scooped it up.

We talked about going to WCT for a drive so I went back over to my son's place.

It was a gorgeous summer day and they were sitting out and enjoying it.
Since it was already so late in the day, we decided not to go to WCT afterall.

We sat on their deck and watched Baby F, she was loving it out there.

That cute little face - OMG - I love it.
Miss H already cut her bangs once but they are getting so long again.

She kept tucking them under her hat but the kept falling back out.

Miss H got lots of yard toys for her but she's really to small to be playing on them by herself yet.

Miss H had these little contraptions that look like soothers only the nipple part has little holes in it and you can put food inside it for toddlers to eat without big pieces coming off.
What a great idea - wish they'd had them when my son was young.

She had it filled with frozen blueberries and Baby F was loving it.

I decided after seeing my weight yesterday that I'm going to make an effort to get on the treadmill every day even if it's only for 20 minutes.

I thought about waiting until tomorrow to start but that's the kind of thinking that got me to where I'm at so instead I got it done.
It felt good too, hence the big smile on my face.

I did just over 30 min, no jogging but I did do some incline and I was sweating and breathing hard so I know it was a good workout.

I just put YouTube on and let it play through whatever songs it wanted and this was one I hadn't heard before but I liked it.
I had some green beans and asparagus that needed cooked up so I got it ready.
I wasn't sure what I would have to go with it but My Honey called to say that he was at the store so I got him to grab a couple of steaks.
I watched a few more episodes of Dead To Me while My Honey was bbq'ing and getting stuff ready for his work bbq tomorrow.
Dinner was so good.
We have cucumbers and tomatoes that I'm trying to get eaten up too before we leave on Tuesday so we'll be having them with every meal until they are gone.
My Honey & I found this really interesting documentary to watch.
It was about South Beach and the Jewish retirement community that used to live there.
These two young photographer's had the foresight to understand that it wouldn't be like that forever and decided to document it with photographs.
The pictures are great and the documentary was interesting.
I definitely recommend it.

I saw this dress and fell in love.
This is the kind of dress I want to be able to wear and feel good in.
Something to keep in mind for a goal.
Just about got all green - I remember when it was unusual for me to NOT have all green here, I want to get back to that.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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