Sunday 5 May 2019

Comic Book Hero Double Header (May 3, 2019)

I had to go into work at the St Albert office today.
My boss was going to be in there and I wanted to go over a few things with him.
He works from home most of the time and he lives in Kelowna so I don't get that many chances to meet up with him.
My Honey came with me as we were planning on staying in the city for the night.

We had a meeting then I slipped out of the office for bit to go watch Miss A dance.
There was a dance competition in St Albert today and she was on at 10:35 so I wanted to watch her perform.

We aren't allowed to take pictures of the dancing but I snuck a few of Mr H.
My brother, My SIL, her dad, his wife and her mom and Mr H were all there watching the dancing too.

They had all come in last night and had a late night so Mr H was tired and it took a bit longer than usual for him to warm up to us but he eventually did.

I did sneak this picture too at the very end when they were getting their critiques on their dances.

This was for the pair dancing and Miss A and her partner got a silver.

It will likely be their last competition as Miss A's partner (also a Miss A) just moved to WCT.

Brother and sister love.
She let him wear her medal for a little while which was so nice of her.

He was being extra huggie with his dad today.

The proud dancer.

After the competition, I went back to the office to work for the rest of the afternoon.
I spent some more time with MM, then after he left to fly home, I worked on some other stuff until the end of the day.

Then My Honey came to pick me up and we went to Smash Burger for supper.
He had a Butterfinger shake and it was yummy.

They recently added brussel sprouts to their menu so no instead of having to make a choice between their awesome shoe string onion rings and deep fried pickles, I have third choice to make it even more difficult.
I had to try the brussel sprouts.
They aren't as good as Original Joe's version but they are still pretty darn good.

I also had to have the fried pickles.
They are so good and it's the only place I've found so far that have the chip slice ones instead of the spears which I'm not crazy about.
I had the BBQ Bacon Burger which had some of the shoe string onion rings so I figured that covered all three!

My Honey had the Swiss Mushroom Truffle burger.
It was a great meal and we both left there stuffed.
We did some shopping around afterwards.

My Honey found this great notepad!

We had bought tickets online earlier in the week for couple of movies tonight.
It was a good thing we did too because when we got them, there were only a handful of tickets left 

We saw Shazam first at 6:45.
I figured I would like it and I did, they did a really good job I thought and no spoilers but I loved the end.

We had an hour to spare until our next show started so we were sitting in the theater browsing social media and I came across these.

Wooden bathtubs.
Aren't they gorgeous?

I fell in love immediately and I would love to have one.
What a statement piece it would make.
At $30 grand a pop, I'm pretty sure that will never happen but one can dream!

Next, the movie that is breaking records, Avengers Endgame finished off our double header.
We've both been avoiding spoilers like crazy so we were happy to finally be seeing it.

It was really good too - no spoilers here though - just go see it.
It was a long movie so it was after 2:00 am when we checked into our room

We got a late checkout because us oldtimers aren't used to late nights so we'll likely need some extra sleeping time in the morning.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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