Sunday 26 May 2019

PEI Bound (May 16, 2019)

We slept in nice and late in that big comfy bed, it felt so good - we really needed it.

We noticed a bagel place across the street from our hotel so we went there for breakfast.
They had tons of flavors, like strawberry, maple syrup and chocolate chip to name a few.

I had a rosemary one with cream cheese, salmon, onions and capers.
It was so good.

My Honey had the same only with a poppyseed bagel.

They had a strawberry cream cheese one which they called a bagel but it was more like a pastry.
It was good.
They had so many interesting flavors that I bought a dozen to go so I could a few more.
Figured we could have them for breakfast for the next few days.

We stopped at the grocery store there that I love, Sobeys, although this was a new one I'd never been to before.
We got cream cheese for the bagels and snacks for the road.

Then we were on our way to PEI.

Seems like we made it to the bridge in no time at all.

I don't often get the chance to go over in a truck but I liked it because you can see over the sides of the bridge better.

There they are, the red shores of the island I love so much.

We took the back road and stopped in the parking lot of this church to get a couple pictures of the bridge.

There is a pretty good view of it from there.

It wasn't raining but it was a bit chilly and windy.

This is the vehicle we changed to - we like it much better.

There's me - happy to be on the Island but wishing the weather was better.

We hit up the garden centers as soon as we got there.

We want to get lots of fruit trees for our property and there were lots to choose from.


More plums

We want some ornamental trees too, I love this weeping kind.

They aren't cheap.

I love the color and the name of these.

There were pear trees.

Cherry trees, definitely getting some of these for the blooms alone.

Lots of apple varieties, we will get some of those as well.

We want some color so we looked at some trees that we thought would provide some variety.

The more colors we can add to the "tree"scape the better in my opinion.

There will most definitely be lots of lilacs.

This has a bunch of colors right on the same tree.

Maybe a few nice big shade trees.

I bet this looks so beautiful in the fall when it's in its full glory.

Guess I'm really into ombre because I just love the color on these ones too.
We went to a few garden centers to get an idea of what was available and what the prices were like but we didn't buy anything.
We'll go back and do that tomorrow after we think a bit about what we want.

We were staying with my Auntie A tonight and she suggested we meet at Mill River for supper so that's what we did.

I'd never been there before - it's a golf course and a bunch of other stuff too - pool, hotel, campground.

The restaurant looks out over the grounds and it's really pretty.

They have a lovely deck you can sit on to eat as well but it was too cold for that.

My cousin joined us for supper as well - we were the only table in the place.

My Honey ordered the seafood chowder and it was just loaded with lobster.

I ordered the haddock because it had a lobster sauce on it.
I was expecting a lobster flavored sauce but it was loaded with lobster too - it was so delicious, I savored every bite.

My Honey had their signature burger of the month with paprika home fries.
It was a really good meal.
My Aunt & Uncle ended up treating us to the meal which was so kind and generous of them.

We went out on the deck afterwards to check out the golf course.

If I was a golfer I'd try to get out here for a round of golf.
I'm not so I won't, but I will be back for a meal.

This was behind the front desk.
It's carved out of wood and it's pretty awesome.

This is a table they had in the reception area, it's old beams and I think it weighed a couple tons!

We headed back to my Auntie & Uncle's place and watched the final episode of The Big Bang Theory ever.
I liked how it ended - I'm really going to miss it.

It was off to bed after that.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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