Monday 27 May 2019

Potatoes and Lobster - Can't Get More Hardcore PEI Than That! (May 18, 2019)

We had a good sleep, the bed was very comfortable.
We were up early because we had an appointment to see a house today.

The boys were up early too, playing video games.

They are very into Minecraft and have been for a couple of years now.

I don't know how thrilled my sister was about getting up so early.

I think Mr E is an early bird so she is used to it.

We had an appointment this morning to go see this house.
It's a really old house that nobody has lived in for year.
There is a seed company there on the property and they want the house moved because they need the room.
So we could have it for free, we just need to move it and fill in the basement that's left behind.

It's a beautiful old place with so many fabulous details.
Like these window for instance, I love the shape of the panes - such an interesting detail.

There were a lot of things that we loved about the place but it was huge and we decided that it would be too big of a project for us to take on.
It would cost a fortune to move it then another fortune on top of that to renovate it once we did get it moved.

The fellow who showed it to us was very nice - we chatted with him for a few hours.
Turns out he used to work with my cousin trucking down to the states.
He had a heart attack a few years ago though so has since found a less stressful job where he can be home more.

This place actually is the top of the production triangle for potato seeds here in PEI and he took us in to have a look.
We had to be careful to wash due to the risk of contamination.

These are all seeds for different kinds of potatoes.
He said they used to do some experimentation here as well but they don't do it as much anymore.
I had no idea such a place even existed.

They are the best!

After we left the house, we headed to Tignish. 
I haven't been in PEI during lobster season in years so I wanted to take advantage.
We stopped at the Fish Mart at The Run and I got mussels, clams and oysters.

Then we headed over to meet my cousin, RA.

She is a lobster buyer and meets the boats right at the wharf when they come in.
So I called her and had her set aside 30 lobster for us.

It was another chilly, windy day so a lot of the fishermen were heading in early.

This is what 30 lobster looks like.

My Honey was looking forward to cooking some for the first time.

Watch out, he'll bite ya!

From there we headed back to the property and my sister and the boys met us there.

My sister let the boys sit in the back of the truck just for the drive into the lane and they loved it.

We worked on the tree arrangement then I headed back to my Aunties with my sister and the boys and My Honey stayed at the property to work on digging holes.

When we got back to the house, I finally got my chance to meet this little lady.

And her sister.
They are Leigha and Mia but I am not sure which is which.

She was giving my sister some funny looks.

No need to fight over holding babies here, plenty to go around!

My Honey was still working hard out at the property.
He got the first tree planted, sent me this picture of it.
It's a maple and it will be gloriously red in the fall so I wanted it here to add some color to the tree line here in front of the water.  We can't take them out so might as well add to them to pretty them up.

So he missed out on cooking the lobster, my Uncle J went ahead and cooked them for us.
He didn't even make it back in time for supper.

I was so excited to be having this for supper.

Having a few laughs.

I have so many fond memories of this kitchen.
My aunt says they'll be looking to move next year to something easier to manage - the stairs are really difficult.
I hope someone in the family keeps it and I can continue coming.
Change is hard to fathom sometimes.

The birthday boy, also mom and dad of the twins.
My Aunt C has been making home made beans on Saturday night for as long as I can remember and they are the absolute best.
I couldn't wait to get some of them on my plate.

My Auntie A dropped in for a visit.
She's a pro at cracking lobster.

Two of my Auntie's.
I feel so blessed to have a big family and a close family and I love every moment I get to spend with them.

Great Auntie T has a way with the babies.
When they would fuss, she would get them settled every single time.

Just chilling with the fam jam.

Happy birthday to you....

There are a lot of candles on that cake, B must be getting old!

I skipped the cake, it did look good though.
I was the ice cream disher outer.

I put two of these bad boys away for My Honey.

My cousin AG dropped by for a visit.
We stopped at the store she works at our first day on the Island and surprised the poop out of her.
She is such a hard worker and so kind hearted and she comes up with the funniest sayings.
You just never know what she is going to say and I get the biggest kick out of her.

When My Honey finally did make it back, we got into the oysters.

My Uncle J taught us how to shuck them and they tasted amazing.
We had a good feed of them.
They were such a great deal, way cheaper than what we would pay at a restaurant and you can't get them any fresher.

Let's talk about the elephant sweater in the room.
Apparently my cousins ex sister in law knit this for her and it's quite atrocious.
She brought it down to give to my Aunt who didn't really want it.

I mean, check out the arms on it.
Ha ha!

However, it's really heavy and very warm and everyone fights over it.

It was good for a laugh anyway.

Back home, Baby F had a play date with all her little baby friends.
It's nice that these babies and their mommies have each other.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

The fitbit died today so I took it off, therefore, no update.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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