Saturday 25 May 2019

Edson in the Morning, Halifax in the Evening! (May 14, 2019)

I had to go to our Edson office today for some training.

It's about a 2 hour drive and it was nice and quiet.
The scenery on the way is really pretty even though everything is still in the brown stage.

It was nice to be there and visit with my old boss, RH and my new boss, MM.

They ordered in lunch for us, greek salad and souvlaki and it was delicious.

I wanted to be on the road by 2:30 at the latest because we are flying out tonight and I still haven't packed but I saw this store on the way and I just had to check it out.
They had lots of the decor that I love but I didn't buy anything.

I hit the road and listened to the Broadway station all the way home.
It gets me in the mood for New York - another month or so and we will be heading there for our annual trip.

We saw Something Rotten on Broadway - it was a sale one at the TKTS booth that we'd never heard of but thought we'd give it a try and it was excellent.
Very clever and entertaining - we loved it.

The buds are coming out on the trees finally - yay.

Everything is just so much prettier when it's green.

I got home right around 5 and was just finishing up packing when My Honey got home.

They were having troubles out there in the field but thank goodness he had someone come in for him so he could leave early.

He was lucky enough to see the mama grizzly and her three babies that are being spotted on the outskirts of town.
Another of his co-workers actually saw them play fighting with each other in the water today.
It's really awesome to see.

I couldn't post his video here but this is just a screenshot of what he saw.
Pretty amazing!

We had a really tight window to get to the airport on time (our on time means we like to be there 2 hours early for domestic flights).
We made it!

They are doing quite a bit of renovations at Edmonton airport.
It wasn't busy at all though which is just the way I like it.

We found our gate and waited to board.
We are taking the red eye, it leaves at 11 pm and we'll get in to Halifax at 6:30 am.
I brought our travel pillows and a blanket - I am really hoping that I'll be able to get some sleep on the flight.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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