Tuesday 28 May 2019

Bit of a Fright! (May 25, 2019)

Cat cuddles were on the agenda first thing this morning.

He know no boundaries and lays all over my head or anywhere that he wants to but I don't mind, I love our cuddle time.
If only his nails were a little less sharp.
My Honey was off to work, he worked out first and I should have joined him but I opted to stay in bed a bit longer.
When I did get up, I made a coffee and found a movie to watch.
It was a fun, quirky movie and I was really enjoying it right up until the end.
 I really didn't like how it ended and that just ruined the whole thing for me.

After the movie, I made myself breakfast.
A couple of eggs and a pumpkin flax Kodiak pancake - so yummy.
I thought I'd go down and visit Baby F for a bit but she & her momma were getting ready to go to Barrhead for a couple of days.

I got to see them for a few minutes anyway before they left.

Bye Bye!

All buckled up and ready to go.
Miss Z was going too.

They will be company for each other for the whole hour long drive.
After they left, my son mentioned that he wanted to go to the dump.
I told him I'd take him so he loaded his garbage into my truck.
Then we went over to my place and got a bunch out of my garage.
Felt good to get rid of it.
While we were coming in and out of the garage, the neighbors dog was barking away at us.
He was up in her son's tree house and he would go to run down the stairs but he was all tangled up and could only go down 2 stairs.
My son was asking if the dog was friendly or not because he wanted to go over and untangle him and just at that moment, the dog fell over the stairs and was dangling by the rope.
It shocked me and I just stood there stunned but my quick thinking son jumped over the fence in a flash and had the dog undone so fast I don't even think I had time to blink.
Thank goodness.
The dog ended up being ok - it scared the poop right out of me though.
I called my neighbor to tell her and I noticed later in the evening that they took the stairs down off of the fort.
Her boys don't use it anymore anyway so that was a good call.
We took the load out to the dump and when I got back, I watched a couple episodes of Call the Midwife.
Season 8 was finally available on ITunes - seems like I was waiting forever for it to come back.

I managed to get on the treadmill finally around 4:30.
Still not at the point of running but I'm walking at an incline instead.
I didn't have a plan for how long I wanted to stay on there so I just stayed until I got my step count over 10,000.

Got 'er done!

I roasted sweet potatoes in the oven for supper.

I also cooked up ground chicken and added cole slaw mix, bean sprouts and green onion.

It was ready just in time for My Honey.
We ate supper together, watched so tv then hit the hay.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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