Tuesday 7 May 2019

Got a Work Out In! (May 6, 2019)

Come on Spring - I'm waiting for you!
It's still a little too chilly out there for my liking and lots of snow yet to disappear.

Weigh In wasn't so good.
I wanted to get to the 250's, instead i'm into the 270's - totally the wrong way.

Last night's meatloaf sandwich was so good that I made another for lunch today.

My Honey was busy all afternoon making sausages then smoking them.

He likes making them himself because then he knows exactly what's in them and he can control the amount of fat.
He does have to put some fat in them but not much so they are really lean so a healthy protein option.

I wanted to stop by and visit my son after work but they had gone to WCT so they weren't home.
My brother texted to see if I could watch the kiddos and I said sure but then he texted back that they'd changed their minds so were no longer going.

So My Honey suggested going for a walk but it was still cold out so instead I went down and got on the treadmill.

I didn't do any jogging, just walking up to 3.0 for the speed and up the highest incline then back.
My left ankle was starting to hurt near the end so I didn't want to push it.

It did feel good to have a workout done.

Had to take off my foggy glasses to see.

I did some more exercises on the floor then realized I was only 700 steps away from 10,000 for the day so hopped back on the treadmill to reach that goal.

I only walked so as not to bother my foot and it only took 6 extra minutes.

After my work out, My Honey and I sat beside each other on the couch and read.
Pretty exciting stuff, huh?

He made us sausages for supper on buns with saurkraut and they were delicious.

Not quite all green but still looks better than my norm lately.

That is all for today, until next time.

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