Monday 27 May 2019

Tree Shopping (May 17, 2019)

Both my Aunt and Uncle had to work today so when we got up they were already gone.
We'd slept in a little, the bed was super comfortable.

This is the little night stand that was next to the bed and I thought it was so darling.

We had an appointment to meet a fellow with the forestry to discuss having them plant some trees on our property so we met him over there.

We had a look at it together and decided what we wanted and what they could do.

This is an aerial view of our property.
The red x is the original piece of land we bought and it's right about where we want to build our house so it has a view out to the river and the ocean.
The green x is on the second piece of land that we purchased and the white is the "driveway" into the property.
The forestry is going to plant about 300 trees on the second property this year and next year they are going to hopefully plant Christmas trees on the first property.

The gentleman we met was very friendly and helpful and we talked with him for a couple hours.
He said he spends a lot of time getting a haunted house ready on his property each year, it's a pile of work and he only runs it one night but it sounds like a hoot.
We'll have to check it out if we are ever here on the Island when it's on.

We left there and headed to Tyne Valley which I've never been to before unbelievably.
There is a little restaurant there my cousin KG told us about and we wanted to check it out.
This house was right beside it on a hill and I thought it looked interesting - plus I love yellow houses.

Then this house was right across the street from the restaurant.
I love how it looks, like a white gingerbread house.

The place itself, Backwoods Burger was in this place that just looked like a home.

The decor once we got inside was very eclectic and interesting.

Lots of wood.

I've never seen a bike hung as decoration before and I kind of liked it.

His huge smile makes me happy.

Had to get a picture of myself too even though I haven't been feeling the best about my appearance lately.

They had a pretty good menu.

The bar clam poutine was what KG told me about so I just had to try that.

I had a virgin caesar - my signature drink.

The bar clam poutine tasted just as good as it looks.

I tried a Backwoods mini burger too - I'm always impressed when I get a real ground beef patty and not a frozen one and this was really good.

My Honey got fish and bar clams.
Home made fries as well which I don't normally go for but these ones were good.

After we ate, we headed back to the garden centers and picked up quite a bit of stuff.

I read somewhere that my last name meant pear tree and this confirmed it.

We stopped at this spot last because they had Honey Crisp apple trees and they are my favorite so I really wanted one.
No other spot had them.
We had no room to load anything else on the truck so we paid for them and they set them aside for us.

We didn't get any strawberries but when we do, he told us these were the kind to get.

We went back to the property to drop off all the trees and the shovel and other items we'd picked up.
We discussed where we wanted to plant them then we headed back.
My mom, sister and the boys are arriving tonight from NS and we are staying with my Aunt C and Uncle J.

They were there when we got there.
Mr D is growing up - he is still just as handsome as ever.

My beautiful sister and Auntie C.

Uncle J and Mr D again being silly - he can be shy but also like to put on a bit of a show.

Mom - she's still wearing this housecoat that I bought her one Christmas probably 15 years ago or so.

My cousin T and her honey.
They moved in together since the last time I was here.
They make a great couple and are very suited for one another.
I am so happy for them both.

My Honey left and went back to the property to start digging holes and I stayed and visited with everyone.
It was dark when he got back but he got most of them dug though - he said it was easy going, no big rocks and the earth was pretty soft.

By the time he did get back, it was basically time for bed.

The boys went to sleep pretty quickly.

My cousin T had her cats over with her and we had her old room so Venus joined us in there.

Both of her kitties are full grown but they still look so petite.

My Honey was giving her attention and she was lapping it up.

Ha ha - she's just loving every minute of it.
She ended up staying in the bed with us for most of the night.

Back home, someone else is loving up on his kitty.
Mr H just loves Alex.

I am appalled that people have the audacity to call 911 to complain about Amber Alerts waking them up.
How selfish.

What a great idea!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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