Thursday 30 May 2019

Morning Walks (May 29, 2019)

It was such a gorgeous morning out there today that I got ready and instead of working out, I decided to walk down to work.

The sun was shining and it was a lovely walk.

The brush along the trail I take has really grown a bunch since last year.

I was worried that this dip might be hard to maneuver but it wasn't at all.

It felt so good to get some fresh air first thing.

How lucky am I to get to have views like this on my walk to work?

Just look at that sun shining away over my shoulder and it's not even 7 am yet.

Down a little more today.
Good stuff!

Got out for my morning walk just before coffee break.

Going to have to start bringing sunglasses with me.

The sky was so blue and there wasn't a cloud to be seen.

The trees have filled out very nicely too - I always thought summer was my favorite time of year but I'm thinking now maybe that spring is my favorite.
Watching everything come back to life is so exciting.

A co-worker who transferred to another area (PJ) dropped in today with his wife for a visit.
It was really nice to see them.
They brought a fruit tray and a veggie tray for us so I had some good snacks for coffee break.
He was working here when I started and he really knows his stuff.
I learned a lot from him and he was always very patient and thorough when explaining things.
Unfortunately, there were some management changes and he was really unhappy here in our district for a year or two before he transferred.
Although I miss him being around, he is super happy in his new district so that's wonderful and I'm happy for him.

When I got home for lunch, My Honey had cooked fish with lemon caper sauce.
I love, love, love capers.

I mixed up a salad to go with and it was a delightful, delicious lunch.

Walk number two of the day.

It's nice to get out for those few minutes, away from my desk and my computer and out into the sunshine.
After work, My Honey and I headed to WCT.
First stop was for supper.
I told him to pick the spot and he chose Soban.

They used to bring salad and miso soup for free to everyone but they stopped doing that.
I liked it so much that I ordered some anyway.
Miso soup is so good.

Their salad is pretty plain, mainly lettuce really but the sauce they put on it takes it makes it scrumdiddlyumptious.
(I made up that word).

We ordered some sushi.
It had salmon, avocado, cream cheese, cucumber and spicy sauce.
Very delicious as well.

My Honey had boiled tofu soup.

I had the beef bulgogi.
It was a really good meal.
After we went to Walmart, ran into BH there.
We picked up a few things that we needed and I got a couple of hanging baskets.

We also got these.
There were only 3 in the pack so I told My Honey he had to eat two of them.
There was no way they would last until we got home.
They were good for only being 100 calories.
We stopped at the casino on the way home and we each threw $20.00 in.
We stayed there for about an hour and I played on one machine the whole time.
I ended up cashing out at $30.00 so not bad.
Play for an hour and up - could have been far worse.
My Honey won a bit too, I think he cashed out at $110.
It was 9:30 by the time we headed home and I know I'm going to have a tough time getting up in the morning but we had a nice evening so it was worth it.

We were hoping to see the mama grizzly bear and her three cubs along the way but we didn't.
We did however get to see this family of geese.

When we stopped to have a look, mommy & daddy scurried the little ones away.
So true.
I used to run away like a maniac and now I just sit still and let them do their thing.

They went for ice cream yesterday and Mr H is thoroughly enjoying every bite!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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