Sunday 5 May 2019

Home and A Massage (April 30, 2019)

The hotel had complimentary breakfast and they had my favorite - BACON!
So I grabbed some and a half of a breakfast burrito then I headed out.

So the world was covered in the white stuff when I got out to the truck.
It was the icy stuff too that needed scraping off and I didn't have one in the company truck so I had to sit there and wait for it to defrost.

It finally did though and I grabbed a coffee and a bagel at Timmie's then headed out to the plant.
It's a half hour drive from the highway in to where the complex in and the roads were ice covered so it took me even longer.

There are 3 pairs of Canadian Geese that come here every spring to make their nests.
I had a front row seat to them. 

They are probably wondering why they returned so early - should have stayed down south a bit longer.

I met with two ladies today that do payroll so I could train them on a few things.
They were very nice and I learned a few things from them as well.
I think getting out and meeting the people you work with develops a relationship that you just can't get through emails and phone calls.
They said they never really knew who to call for help or didn't want to be bothering but now I hope that they will feel comfortable to call and ask questions if they need to.
I think they will.

We finished up by lunch and I had my breakfast bagel while I got some work done.
I planned on being on the road by 2 pm and I was able to do just that.

It was a nice drive.
The roads had dried up by then and there was barely any traffic.
It took me about 3.5 hours to get home and I had a massage booked for 6 so I pretty much headed right over there.
I was a little early for once.

Turns out I wasn't as early as I thought.
I went up to the hospital because they have a room up there that they use but apparently they moved to a new location almost 2 months ago.
So by the time I drove down there, I was right on time.

They moved the butterflies all down there too!

The massage was nice, she did some cupping.
It really pinches at first but feels wonderful afterwards.

My Honey still wasn't home when I got home so I sat and caught up on some Little People Big World.
When he did get home, he brought bagels and salami and that's what we had for supper.

Just as we were heading off to bed, he got called back out.
I went to bed anyway, I was tired.
I didn't end up going to sleep though until he got back and I knew he was home safe & sound.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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