Sunday 5 May 2019

Vancouver Aquarium (April 22, 2019)

It was raining pretty hard out there this morning but seeing as it was our last day in Vancouver, we wanted to get out there and make the most of it.
We took the sky train back downtown and got off at the right stop this time.
It's the final stop and it gets you right downtown.

I really wanted to go to Bao Down for a Boa Chicka Boa Boa dumpling sandwich so I dragged everyone down there and it ended up being closed!
I was so bummed.
I've been thinking about going there ever since I knew we were coming to Vancouver.
Oh well, guess we will just have to come back.

Instead we found a pizza slice place in gas town and had lunch there.
Megabite Pizza.

I tried a couple different kinds.
They were both tasty, especially the one loaded with arugula.

My Honey tried a couple different slices too.
We all really enjoyed the pizza.
As we were sitting there eating it though, we started hearing a big commotion going on up above us (there were apartments above), then we saw this big SUV pull up and these two cops got out and started getting all this gear on.
They were armed with these big weapons and headed over our way.
This homeless guy popped his head into the pizza place and told us to come out and watch the show.

It was a bit unsettling honestly so we finished up our food and left.
We walked down to the hop on hop off station to wait for the bus but we could still see everything.

The white building to the left was where the pizza place was and the apartment above it was were all the trouble was going on.
All the vehicles lined up on the street that you can see here are cops.

More kept coming and a couple of ambulances arrived.

We were expecting some big crazy scene to unfold but in the end, the brought out a little old lady.
She was handcuffed and they put her in one of the vehicles then they all left.
I don't know what the heck went on but I'm glad it didn't end up being some big crazy scene.

Meanwhile, everyone was still just going about their business and we were just trying to stay dry while we were waiting for the bus.

It finally arrived and it was nice, big touring bus and the driver had it toasty warm inside.

We drove by the tulip garden in Stanley Park and if it had been a nicer day, I would have liked to get out and walk around it for a bit.

We did get off at the Aquarium stop and we had a nice view of the downtown Vancouver skyline.
Everything looks so grey today.

Now that is one big a$$ tree!

The buds on the trees made me happy (and slightly jealous that we are no where near that point at home yet).
I can't wait to come back, rent one of these bikes and ride all around the water wall.

My Honey.

My cousin K wanted to check out the aquarium so that is where we headed next.

I loved this fountain they had out front with the native sculpture.

Art I don't understand but it was colorful at least.

I did like this wall of fish as you walked into the aquarium.

First thing I saw was a talking parrot which was unexpected.

Such a gorgeous color of blue.

Some ducks.

This pretty red bird.

There was a sloth hanging out in the trees above us but this was the best shot I could get of it.

A stingray.

Some turtles.

There were even monkeys.

I couldn't get them to look at me though.

There were butterflies in various stages.
Unfortunately this one was dead.

Meanwhile this one was just coming out of its cocoon.
There were a ton of cocoons there in all various stages and I'd never seen anything like that before so I found that really interesting.

Next we came to some jellyfish.
They are beautiful and mesmerizing to watch.

There was a giant sea turtle but we only saw him from underneath.

Lots of cool looking fish of course.

I liked the lips on this guy.

More jellyfish.

This one reminds me of the kind I'd see beached on the shore in PEI when I was young.

Then we came upon these ones that are both ugly and beautiful at the same time.

The tank was just loaded with them.
I WOULD NOT want to meet one of these while swimming in the ocean.

Those tentacles look terrifying.

They are strangely soothing to watch though and I could have stood there for hours.

There was more to see though, like another tank full of yet another kind of jelly fish.

And another - these ones look menacing as well.

These looked like swimming ghosts.

They had 4D shark movie that was going to be starting soon so we hopped into the line up.

She was waiting in line ahead of us, love her backpack.

Ready for the show to begin.
It was good, I never realized there were as many species of Sharks as there are.
It was very informative and interesting.

Next we saw the penguins.

We also saw otters and dolphins as well and by that time we were kind of over the aquarium.

We found the others then headed back to the bus stop.

We had to wait a bit for the bus.
Thankfully the rain had stopped and it was just kind of misty.

I can't wait to come back, rent one of these bikes and ride all around the water wall.

We hopped back on the bus and continued on through the park.
The drive called the big rocks here "glacier poop".
Said they were left behind when the glaciers melted years ago.

We got off on the last stop on the other side of the park so we could find somewhere to eat and it was right next to this tulip display.

There were some other kinds of flowers in there too.

So pretty.

Went back by the laughing statues.

I can't believe they are able to grow palm trees in Vancouver - who knew?


More pink blooms.

Those blooms look so gorgeous (so does that fellow).
We found a spot called Three Brits Public House and figured it was as good a place as any to eat.

I had this fried chicken and it was just delicious.

My Honey had the guiness pie which wasn't really a pie but it was still good.
You could really taste that guiness flavor.

They had a chocolate cheesecake jar so I just had to give that a try.
It was just ok.

After we ate, we caught a cab back to the hotel.
We had a couple hours to kill so we just hung out in our room until it was time to head over to the airport.
We went with my relatives in the shuttle over to the airport to help them get to the proper place.
They don't travel often so we were happy to do it.
They were flying out at 10:30

We got them to the security check then we said our good-byes.
I loved having them - it's always nice to spend time with family.
I hope they come back out again.

We caught the sky train back to the hotel.

We were sitting right in the very front and you could see right out.
If only it hadn't been raining I think the view would have been awesome.

It was still rather early in the evening so we went back to the casino one more time.

It really is a nice place.
I'd stay here on a future visit but it's likely pricey.
We gambled a bit, neither of us won big, we just kind of broke even.

Then we decided to get a bite to eat.
They have this whole food court right inside the casino.

They had Boylan products which we've had before and they are so good.
Especially the root beer.

We got a bowl of their special ramen.

And a veggie stir fry.
The food was about what you'd expect from a food court, not awful, not great.

While we were eating, I noticed these ladies standing nearby had a little dog in their bag.

I waited and waited for him to turn my way.

Finally I was rewarded.
Ha ha, just hanging at the casino with his girls!

After we ate, we headed back to the hotel.
We fly out at 7 am so it will be an early morning for us.

It was a quick one but I enjoyed our little trip to Vancouver.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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