Sunday 5 May 2019

Old Family Photos (April 26, 2019)

Weigh in this morning, not good.
I can't get myself back on track. 

Lunch was leftover trout, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

It was a really quiet day at the office again.
BH had the day off and both SG and SV left early so it was just me there for the girls.
Only JRA and BN were around all day and they said they were leaving around 4 and I should too but I had lots to catch up on.
Those quiet days are good because you get lots done!

I stopped on the way home and picked up a couple of frozen pizzas for supper.
I tried a cheeseburger kind and I really liked it.
My Honey was really late getting home from work so I had lots of time to get caught up on my pvr'd shows that he doesn't like.

My SIL posted this cute picture of Mr H with their new kitty.
Looks like they are happy together!

My Auntie B posted these great collages today.

This is my grandfather (bottom middle), his parents (middle) and his siblings.
I love seeing these old pictures.
His father built the house and my grandfather lived in it his whole entire life.
I wonder how many people actually do that?

This is the same idea only it's my grandmother's family.
She and her sisters were very good friends all of their lives which was nice to see.
They were so full of mischief and loved to have fun.
I used to love when they'd all get together and tell stories about all of the things they've done.
Hard to believe that they are all gone now.
Makes me sad.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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