Monday 13 May 2019

Happy Mother's Day! (May 12, 2019)

My Honey got called out to work again last night, this time at 3 am and when I got up at 7:30, he still wasn't home.
My niece called and wanted to go buy flowers for all the moms in her life and deliver them so I said I would take her when the store opened.
First stop was at my sons place to drop off flowers for Miss H - nobody was home so we just left them on the counter.
Next we went by her boyfriend's moms place and she wasn't home either.
0 for 2 so far.
Next stop was at my brothers place.
She was home, her and Mr H were vacuuming.
We visited with them for a bit before heading to our last stop, her boyfriend's sisters place.
She is so thoughtful to do that - I'm still so proud every day of the young lady that she has become.

When I got home, I cooked turkey bacon and eggs for my brunch.
Still trying to eat up the tomatoes and cucumbers too.
I watched a couple more episodes of Dead to Me.
I did some laundry and clean up and then I got to working out.

I picked a Meghan Trainer song to start with then just let it jump to whatever and I came across a few more that I liked and want to download later.
Like this one.

I'd never heard this one before, it was good.

 I thought I'd heard everything by Meghan Trainor so I was surprised to hear all these ones I hadn't heard before.
One final one.
I'm going to buy them for my ipod which I forgot at my office but I actually really enjoy doing the YouTube thing because I get to watch the videos and it makes the time go by really fast.

I didn't do any jogging again.
My ankle kind of hurts and I just don't want to injure it, I feel like it could happen so easily so I'm listening to my body and taking it easy.
I did walk for a long time though trying to get to 10,000 steps.
Afterwards I did a few floor exercises too.
Felt good to get it done!
After my workout, I had a nice long bath and did some reading.
My current book is really good.
Then I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.
I sent money so she & my sister could go out for supper today and she said they'd ordered in Chinese food and it was really good!

Then I got ready and went over to visit Baby F.
I had a card to drop off for her mommy that I hadn't had with me earlier.
She is so full of smiles lately, the Little Miss Serious face pops up less and less.

Her little bangs are always in her eyes so we decided to cut them.
This is the before picture.
She was very squirmy and so they ended up being very crooked but they look cute anyway and they'll grow back quickly.
This is already the second time her mom had to cut them.
At least her bangs won't be in her eyes all the time so that will be nice.

They got balloon gifts for Miss H's mom and me.
So they had me pop mine before I left.
It was filled with some epicure stuff which was cool.
It was so thoughtful of them.

Baby F was playing with her toys and just having a grand time.

She loves to drink water out of her sippy cup but the spout part got torn so I'm going to look for a replacement for it in WCT on Tuesday.
She normally won't take a bottle but Miss H tried it with the water in it and she loved it.
If only it had handles so she could hold it herself.

Her bangs don't look too bad in this picture.

They made her some blueberry, oatmeal, yogurt frozen pops and she loved them.

She didn't want to be fed either, she wanted to do it herself!

I got home after 7 but My Honey still wasn't home so I just made myself a chicken salad sandwich.

Still trying to make it through the tomatoes.
I watched the last couple of episodes of Dead to Me while I ate and waited for My Honey to get home.
Paddington missed him as much as I did and stayed stuck to him in this position pretty much until we went to bed.

Awww, a boy and his kitty.
Miss H posted some cute pictures of her and Baby F for Mother's Day today.

She is so beautiful.

So is her mama.

This was a throwback to when she was pregnant.
My SIL posted this one of herself and Miss A.
They are both beauties too!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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