Sunday 5 May 2019

Off to Peace River (April 29, 2019)

Woke up to some newly fallen white stuff on the ground.
I was heading to Peace River to do some training today.
It's a 3 hour drive and I had hoped to leave by 6:30 but it was closer to 7:00 by the time I got gas and got on the road.

It was quite an uneventful trip and I arrived at the complex right around 10 am.

I met with the safety admin here.
We email back and forth all of the time so it was nice to finally meet her in person.
She & I spent a couple of hours together going over things and then she found me an office so I could get some of my own work done.
They all left at 4:00 but I stayed and worked until about 4:30.

I was training some other ladies tomorrow so I was staying in Peace River for the night and I headed in there.

I always love it when you get around this bend in Peace River, the view is amazing.

I checked into my room.
I stayed at the Best Western and the room seemed really nice.
It even had a lazy boy chair.

I made a trip to Walmart for a few things then went to Mr Mike's for supper since it was right next to the hotel.

I had the beef dip and it was pretty good.
I was texting My Honey so I didn't feel like I was completely eating alone.
That wouldn't bother me anyway.

He said he found this old tree out in the field that some got rid of so he "replanted" it and gave it "new life".
Ha ha.

After I ate, I headed back to the hotel thinking I could veg out in front of the tv for the evening.
There were no good channels though so I just ended up playing games on my tablet.

Just as I was going to turn in, a movie came on that kind of hooked me.
It was cheesy and poorly acted but I liked it anyway.

The premise was that all three friends get married in the same week and they find out a month or so later that their marriage licences were never signed and the minister who wed them passed away so they weren't truly married.
It was on until midnight so I was up way later than I should have been!

I think I need that talk too, probably more so when I go to Homesense!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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