Monday 27 May 2019

Mr H Turns 4! (May 23, 2019)

I woke up early this morning - without the aid of an alarm clock and I knew I wanted to get up and work out, so I did.

My Honey worked out too.

The cats were going foolish running around chasing each other.
It was quite entertaining.

Then when he tired of that, Paddington laid on the footstool right on the clean clothes.
He thinks he's the Lord of the manor or something.
So regal.

I got 30 minutes in.
No jogging and I didn't even walk that fast but it felt hard.
My goal is to do 30 minutes every morning and then another 30 after work if I have nothing going on.

Glasses were too fogged up so had to take them off for a picture.
Happy to have a workout under my belt for the day.

Well I'm out of the 80's, thank goodness.
I never ever want to see that on the scale ever again.

At lunch, I picked up my niece and took her over to see Mr. H.
Today is his birthday and they are having a party tonight for him but she can't make it - she has to work.
So she wanted to take him his presents and this giant shark balloon she got him.

He was pretty excited to see us pull up.

He came running right over.

My sister had sent this talking Super Grover doll for him with me so I gave it to him.

He thought it was great.

He just had to open his presents from her right away.

Not just out of the gift wrap but out of the wrappers too.

She brought him cotton candy and he opened it up to have some immediately.
He did share it with his little best bud.

She bought a sword that is also a bubble blower and they wanted to use that right away too.

I stopped at the store and picked up a few things for him from My Honey and I.
I think my brother might enjoy this one.

My Honey wanted to get him a bigger nerf gun but I figured this one he could handle easier.

Got him a cement truck too because why not?

After work, I stopped home, wrapped up the gifts then headed over there.
We sat on the deck chatting for a bit first but the mosquitos were outrageous so we had to go in.
They just love my feet and ankles for some reason.

Miss A with there newest addition, Alex.

My son and family came over.

Baby F looks so cute with that ponytail.

Baby F just always wants to be on the move now that she's figured out how.

She's still a little wobbly but she's getting around.

When Mr H saw her walk, he put his hand over his mouth, he was so excited and proud of her.
It was so cute.

He went over to encourage her walking and tried to give her a little kiss but she moved to quick for him.

He just loves her and gets the biggest thrill from interacting with her - it's so darling.

She's back to doing these Strawberries or Zerberts.
What do you call them?

Miss Z came with them and she just got her hair cut.

It looks so cute on her.

Guess who's birthday it is today.

He was quite anxious to get opening his presents.
He was so excited when it was finally time.

He'd open one thing, then get using it right away.

Like this drawing kit he got.

My handsome boy.

Miss H had a bad headache but she soldiered on.

Trying to get a hold of those flowers.

I think Mr H picked them for his mom.

We had supper - hot dogs and hamburgers.
I had a hamburger but skipped the bun.

The little ones had hot dogs and they skipped the buns too - likely for different reasons than my own.

Uncle R made it over too.

Baby F just wanted whatever she could get her hands on - which wasn't much.

Then it was time to finish unwrapping the rest of the gifts.

We all moved out to the living room to watch.

Standing room only.

Time for cake.

Oh and one last gift from his dad.


Everyone headed home around 7 but I stuck around so My Honey could drop by after work.
I knew he'd want to wish Mr H a Happy Birthday and Mr H was just as thrilled to see him as he always is.

My SIL posted this picture of Mr H today, ha ha. 

In other news, someone turned 9 months old yesterday

She just loves to make silly faces.

Her bangs are looking better, thank goodeness!

Isn't she just the cutest?
I know I say it all the time but it's totally true!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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