Sunday 5 May 2019

Book Sale and Shawarmas (May 4, 2019)

We did sleep in this morning and it was marvelous!

When we did get up and get going, our first stop was Timmie's for bagel belts and coffees!

We spent most of the day shopping.
We hit up Costco and the second hand shop across the street from it.

They had all of their books on sale for $1.00 each so I picked out a bunch.
You can't beat a deal like that!

We made a few more stops then decided we wanted shawarma's for supper so we headed over to SunBake Pita.
We've been there a few times before.
They make their own pita's and they are sold all over Edmonton.
We waited in the line and when we ordered the cashier told us it would be a 20 minute wait which we were fine with.
Then this guy, her manager maybe, starts reaming her out in front of us but in a different language so we didn't understand what he was saying.
It was really quite rude.
Then she told us that there were no shawarma's so we just left.
If he'd just apologized and told us it wouldn't have left a bad taste in our mouth for the place like it did.
I don't think we'll go back.

We did go to the little bakery in the same strip mall and get ourselves some treats to try.

Then we googled nearby shawarma places and found this one.

We shared a fattoush salad - it was extra vinegary and I loved it.

We got our shawarma's.

I got a small dish of the garlic dip/sauce that they make and OMG - this stuff is delicious.
We were very impressed with the place and it will be our new go to place for shawarma's from now on.
Funny when one door closes, another one always opens.

We made a few more stops before hitting the road for home.
It stays light out so much later now which is great.

These pictures were taken around 9:30, that's how light it is out then.
It must have been the witching hour for the wildlife because there were tons of deer out.

Just at Fort Assiniboine corner, there were 6 deer hanging together having a snack on the side of the road.

We got all the purchases for the day loaded in to the house and put away then we tried some more of the treats we'd picked up earlier today.
This was a vanilla cream cake.

This one was stuffed with cream, chocolate and pistachios.
Anything with nuts in it is better in my opinion.

We watched some tv before calling it a night.
Going away is nice but waking up in our own bed on a Sunday morning is nice too!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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