Monday 27 May 2019

Finally Got Some Ramen! (May 20, 2019)

Well what do you know, we woke up to another super rainy day here in PEI.
Even though the weather was not cooperating, My Honey had a few last things to do on our property so he got up and headed over there first thing.
Poor guy, he is just going to be drenched.
I stayed back at the house to spend some time with my family.
We had breakfast then the boys stayed at the house and my sister & I went in to Summerside to look for an open nail salon.
It is a holiday today so we weren't sure what we would find.

We found one and I ended up getting a pedicure.
My sister just had a set of nails removed.
We picked up a few groceries for mom then headed back to Aunt C's.

I wish we had more time to spend with the boys, they are just growing up so fast.
The handsome Mr. D.

The so grown up and handsome as well, Mr E.

You can't come to PEI and not have fries with the works so we stopped at the canteen on the way back to my Aunt's and picked up lunch for everyone.
My Honey got back and he was soaked to the bone, but he got everything finished that he wanted to.

After we said our good byes to everyone, we hit the road for Halifax.
We fly out tomorrow morning from the Halifax airport at 7:30 so it's easier for us to be there for the night.

Getting ready to cross the bridge.

This is the dreary, grey skies we've been seeing for basically our whole trip this time.

Good bye PEI, until next time.

The weather wasn't much better in NS.

We stopped in Amherst for coffee and someone had their cat out for a drive with them.
Ha ha.
Professor Snuggles might be down for it but Paddington would hate it.

My Honey was craving Ramen so we found this place in downtown Halifax that was open.

The menu wasn't huge but it had some interesting things.

I bet this place would be nice in the summer time with that big window/door open.
I liked the brick walls.

I ordered the special Miso Ramen.

We got the Karaage (fried chicken).

We also got the deep fried baby octopus.

My Honey got his ramen extra spicy.
I think he got the Tonkotsu.

I got them to sub in ground pork for the pork belly because I'm not crazy about it.
The soup was delicious but a bit on the spicy side so I couldn't finish it.
I think next time I'd get it a bit less spicy.

We headed back to the hotel room - we got one right by the airport so it would be convenient in the morning.
It was a Hilton Garden Inn and the bed was super comfy.
We cranked the heat and hung all My Honey's wet clothes from today around the room to dry.
It was like a sauna in there but when we got up at 4:30 to get ready to go, everything was dry as a bone.

I was so hoping to see all the lilacs in bloom on our trip this time, I miss that about PEI, there are just every where and it's so beautiful.
We planted a few on our property so I look forward to seeing them grow and bloom down the road.
These are unusual colors for lilacs but I think they are beautiful.

Still no fitbit so that is all for today,
Until next time, be happy!

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