Sunday 5 May 2019

Winter Day in Spring (May 1, 2019)

This is how May 1 looked over here today.

A winter wonderland.

I had to actually clean off my truck - at least it was the light stuff that just came right off.

I'm creeping up in the wrong direction.
I need to get my poop in a group and do something about this!

Lunch was a bagel with salami, cream cheese and arugula.
It was super tasty.

I planned on stopping by to visit Baby F after work but she and her mom where in Barrhead for the night visiting Miss H's grandma.

So instead, I got to work doing some blog catch up.
I fell a bit behind and I was able to get caught up.
It really takes a lot of time.
My Honey was working on his taxes so we both spend the evening on the computer.

Meanwhile, the kitties were napping in the bedroom.

Professor Snuggles even put his little paw around Paddington at one point.
How darling is that?

After I blogged for a while, I made myself some beans & wieners again for supper.
I haven't had it in years now suddenly I've had it twice in a week.

Then I sat on the couch to watch some tv and this fluffball decided to join me.

He loves to be cuddled.

Finally the girls put up some pictures from ladies night.
Two beauties right there!

Looks like they were having a good time!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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