Thursday 9 May 2019

Baby Cuddles (May 8, 2019)

So ready for summer, just saying!

Weigh in was not good.

Work was the usual.
Busy all day and it kind of flew right by.

I stopped by after work to visit Baby F who was having some avocado for supper.

By the look on her face you'd think she didn't like it that much but that's just her little serious face.
She liked it just fine.
She did lose interest a bit though once I got my phone out and started taking pictures.

She is just pulling herself up on everything.
She can stand for a good long time too without holding on to anything, I've seen her take a step even.
Won't be long now before she's tearing up the place.

Ha ha, her serious face cracks me up every time.

She was strumming the guitar, my son says she does it all the time.
She comes by it honestly, there are lots of guitar players in the family tree.

Miss Z was over visiting.

See, she just always wants to stand up.

She wanted a chocolate chip cookie and was trying to tell my son that she hadn't had one yet.

I told her the chocolate on the corner of her mouth was giving her away so she wanted to see.

She is a lot better at being held by other folks now which I think is wonderful.
I'm going to try to cram in 8 months worth of cuddling now.

I was giving her strawberry kisses on her cheek and she liked it.
Just snugged her face right up to me and wouldn't move it.

I visited for a couple of hours before heading home.
My Honey was back to work today and he worked late so he still wasn't home when I got there.

I saw this wall when we were in Key West and I want to duplicate it in my craft room only with shades of pink.

I picked up some joint compound on the weekend.
I knew this wouldn't be enough for the whole project but I was hoping it would go a long way.

I also got some pigment.
I got a red too but I started with this one.

This is just a pallet board we had in the garage.

I mixed it up and slathered it onto the board.
I don't think the container I bought is going to go as far as I'd hoped.

I put some white on here and there afterwards too.
Now to let it dry.
I kind of like the texture like this but I'm going to still sand it anyway to see what I like better.
Now to just get some more pallets and plaster.
I am so excited about actually seeing this project come to fruition.

When My Honey got home, he made us smoothies again.
So delicious!
Ha Ha.

We went to bed around 9:30 but I just could not get to sleep.
Then My Honey ended up getting called out to work.
I tossed and turned to no avail.

He got back probably around midnight and eventually I did fall asleep but boy is that ever frustrating.
I'm going to blame it on my phone.
I really have to stop looking at that thing at night before I go to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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