Monday 27 May 2019

Wake Up Call (May 22, 2019)

 So it was back to work for this chick today, yay!
Maybe a little sarcastic, but I do really like my job and I feel fortunate to have it.
I weighed in first thing and it was scary.
A wake up call really.
I just can't continue on this way, today is the day I do something about it.

With that in mind, I took a walk to the end of the road.

It was a nice day and it felt good to get some fresh air.
I don't know if it's because of my flip flops or because I've allowed myself to get so out of shape but my leg was hurting a bit after just this little walk.

The buds are all coming out on the trees.
It looks so nice, I love this time of year.

For lunch I had a salad with canned chicken.

I stopped over to visit Baby F on my way back to work and they were having lunch too.

She's much smilier now - the Little Miss Serious face doesn't come out as much.

Such a little doll - I just love her to bits.

Work was busy, it always is after a trip, just getting through emails takes a couple days but it does make the time go by fast.
Before I knew it, it was time to go home.

Before I left, I did go online and look for something for My Honey for his birthday which just happens to be today.
He likes going to shows and stuff so I was going to get dinner theatre tickets and I saw Lord Huron tickets.
They are here in Edmonton on Oct.9 which is the first day of his shift so I texted him to see if he could take that day off.
He knew right away what I was up to but said he could. 

So I got a couple tickets for us - Happy Birthday Honey.

I was trying to figure out what to do for supper too but he said they'd brought KFC to work so he wasn't that hungry.
Instead of making supper, I stopped at the store and picked up individual sized cheesecake, sour lemon pie and coconut cream pie.
I figured if I didn't make it from scratch, the least I could do was let him have a few options.

I got on the treadmill.
No running, just walking but I did do some incline.

It felt good to get it done.
I am going to start getting on the treadmill every day - no more excuses.

I cooked up one of the sausages My Honey made as they are very lean,

and added it to a salad for my supper.
I know I can't live on salads alone (or maybe I can) but until I get out to get some groceries or come up with other meal plans, it will do.

I saw this on Facebook today and I was a little appalled.
I think next time I want to donate, I'll check a bit further into how the charity actually allocates their donations.

I saw this online today and just had to add it to my bucket list as a place I'd love to go visit.

Such a great idea for summer.
I got Mr H the spray chalk but it was difficult for him to manage, this would be so much easier for him.
I am so going to make it!

So close!
From here on out, I am going to work hard to get these all green every day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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