Saturday 11 May 2019

All Nighter! (May 10, 2019)

When I woke up this morning, My Honey still wasn't home from work.
Of course I immediately jumped to the conclusion that something was wrong so I called him but all was good.
They just had issues all night and he was still going to be a bit.

Ok - now I'm getting scared.
I'm not really that far off from 300 and I DO NOT want to ever see that.
I really need to get my but in gear.

My Honey finally headed home around coffee break time and he was super hungry so I met him at Subway and had breakfast with him.
The he headed home to get some sleep and I headed back to work.

BN did his usual Friday afternoon DJ session for all of us in the office.
He was really excited about this song and I really liked it too.

My Honey was up when I got home so that he'd be able to sleep tonight. 

I didn't feel like cooking so we decided to go to Sammy's for supper. 

We had the most awesome waitress ever.
My niece, Miss M!
All of her customers just love her - no surprise there!

I had a greek salad with some chicken breast up on top and it hit the spot.

My Honey had a donair with some tasty fries.
I know that because I stole a few of them.

I kind of felt like an ice cream on the way home so we stopped for blizzards.
Once the nice weather hits, I become an ice cream junkie.
I do have to reign that in some this summer.
I won't cut them out entirely but I won't have one every night either.

We went back home and My Honey worked out.
I should have too but didn't.
I was falling asleep on the couch and when he was done, we pretty much went to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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