Saturday 25 May 2019

Roaming NS For The Day (May 15, 2019)

Our flight was uneventful - thank goodness for that!
I didn't sleep a wink though, I have to do something to keep my mind occupied or else I start imagining the worst.

We landed in Halifax at 6:30 just as scheduled and it was a rainy, gloomy day out there.
We went and picked up our rental, we got a truck as we were going to be doing some planting and the truck they gave us at first we didn't like.
So we called them and they said if we brought it back at 4 pm, we could switch it out for a different one.
Once we had that all settled, we headed in to Dartmouth and found a place for breakfast.

We googled best breakfasts near by and this place came up so we gave it a shot.
It's in a whole new area that has been built since I lived there.

Giving me the stink eye!
Breakfast was simple, eggs, toast and bacon.
Pretty hard to mess that up.
They had cheesecake there as well so I got a couple slices to go.

We drove around to kill some time and ended up in Cow Bay.

The seas were pretty rough out there.

Still beautiful though.

That home up on the cliff there must have quite the view.

We snapped an ocean selfie.

Then posed with the big moose.
My friend and I did the exact same thing a few years back.

I thought he needed a hug.

If it wasn't so cold, we probably could have sat there and watched it for hours.

This is the first rental they gave us.
We didn't like it at all.
It was small and rickety - very disappointing.

We drove around aimlessly for a few hours then around 11 am we were both getting super sleepy so we decided to look for a parking lot to park in so we could sneak in some zzzz's.
First though, we called the hotel we'd booked just on the off chance they would let us get our room early and what do you know, they were able.

Oh lovely bed, I can't wait to be in you!

Our room was right by one of the bridges and the other you can barely see off in the distance there due to all of the fog.

It was a Doubletree by Hilton so they gave us each a warm cookie when we checked in.
They are so delicious - I had a couple bites but I was so tired I picked sleep over the cookie.
We napped for a few hours and it was heavenly.

We got up and I had a shower to kind of wake me up.
It helped immensely.
Then we headed back out to the airport to switch out trucks.
We got a Chevy and we liked it much better.

Then we headed over to Halifax to pick up my friend, DZ, to go out for supper.

We agreed on Your Fathers Moustache and we had a heck of a time finding a place to park but eventually we did.
We had to walk a ways but that's ok.

I like this sign, so cool.

DZ - I'm so glad she was here and that we were able to catch up.

My Honey & I.

We shared an appetizer platter.

I had a burger with sweet potato fries and it hit the spot.

My Honey had a burger too with mashed potatoes.
It was a blue cheese burger and they went really heavy on the blue cheese because I could smell it.
My Honey loves the stuff but it was a bit too much for him as well.

I love this.


We will!

We walked around and passed a cannabis store.
My Honey & I had never been in one so we all went in to check it out.

I had no idea there were so many different kinds of weed.
It was almost like going to a wine tasting only they had different kinds of weed and you shook them in these little containers then you could smell them.
It struck me as funny since weed is notoriously stinky.
The aroma of this tangerine one was surprisingly pleasant.
We didn't buy anything but it was an interesting experience.

We went to the casino afterwards and I was upset with myself because I spent way more money than I wanted to.
Normally I stick to 20 bucks, the odd time I'll go to $40 but tonight I spent $70 😖
What's done is done though, no going back now.

We dropped DZ off then thought it would be a quick across the bridge but it was closed so we had to drive all the way around to the other one.

I was so happy to see the bed again when we got back to the hotel.
It didn't take long for me to hop on in there.

First things first though,
When we got back to the hotel, I asked the guy at the front desk if he could sneak us each another cookie since I missed out on eating my warm one earlier.
He gave us each two - SCORE!
I don't mind telling you that I ate both of those bad boys before I drifted off to dreamland.

Truer words were never spoken.

I need to remember this one - would be cute on a sign.

My fitbit charge was getting low when we got back to the room so I went to plug it in the charger and I realized that I didn't have it with me.
I either left it at the house or it fell out of the bag in the truck.
Either way, my fitbit is going to run out while we are here so I'm going to have a few days with no steps tracked.
Do they even count if they aren't tracked on the fitbit 😉
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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