Sunday 5 May 2019

Parcels are Fun! (May 2, 2019)

Winter is back and I don't like it!

Weigh in wasn't so good either.

It was a quiet, busy day at the office.
It went by quickly though and afterwards I headed over to visit Baby F.

She was Little Miss Serious at first.

But it didn't take long at all to get a smile out of her.

My sister had sent a parcel for Baby F and it arrived today.
It was super heavy!

I wanted them to open it while I was there because I was curious to see what was inside.

I video called my sister too, both to thank her and so that she could be involved in all the excitement of opening it.

I got to talk to the boys too so that was nice.
Mr E is just looking so grown up.

She sent mainly books but a few other things too, like a talking Ernie doll, some baby shoes and a few other random toys.
Miss Z was excited to see all the books and got to reading them right away.

A stuffed sheep she sent caught Baby F's interest.

She got her hands on a painting book too, the kind you just need to paint with a wet brush to activate the colors.
She decided to use her tongue though and ended up with a green chin and lips.

We visited for a bit then left them to have supper and went home to have ours.

My Honey had cooked up a meatloaf today - it had deep, rich flavors and it was absolutely delicious too.
So good and moist, not dried at all.  He covered it with bacon too which automatically makes everything better, right?
We cooked up some instant potatoes and brussel sprouts for sides and it was an awesome meal.

The kitties have just been all about cuddling lately.
They are so cute!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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