Sunday 5 May 2019

Baby F Fix (April 25, 2019)

I didn't sleep very well so when 5 am rolled around, I just didn't want to get out of bed to exercise or do anything else for that matter.

I felt guilty about it too but that didn't budge me either.

No change on the scale this morning.
Work was as busy as expected.
It was really my first day back from vacation since yesterday was spent in St Albert so I had a ton of emails to get through.

For lunch I stopped and picked up a BLT on a croissant and had some left over macaroni salad with it when I got home.
I caught up on some Sister Wives before heading back to work.

The afternoon was super quiet.
BH & SG both had the day off and SV left for the afternoon so it was just me and a few of the guys at the office.
I did get one inbox finished up by the end of the day, one more to go tomorrow.

I stopped in to visit at my son's on my way home from work and Miss Z was there.
She is such a sweetie.

Her mama was trying to put her down for a nap but I woke her (oops) so she brought her out for a visit.
OMG - that little pony tail though - so cute!

She got a new little push car and she's pretty good at walking around with it.

I think it won't be long before she's off and walking all on her own.

Pretty proud of herself too.

She was pushing her Auntie Z around - I love that they have each other.

They were very interested in my phone/camera.

I got some cute selfies of them.

Ha ha!

Taking more pictures of themselves.

When her daddy got home from work she was so excited to see him.
She crawled right over to him and had him pick her up.

I realized that those were little poodles all over her leggings - how adorable.

More selfies with dad.

How did we ever keep kids occupied before cell phones?

Dad being silly. 

She's also just learned how to wave.
She waves and then looks at her hand in amazement.

I visited for a bit then headed home.
I stopped to pick up some lamps I saw on the local buy & sell.

I saw them and thought Miss H might like them so I wanted to get them for her.
They are very well made lamps.
If she doesn't end up wanting them, I'll use them at my place.

I got some sweet potatoes, potatoes, garlic, onion and asparagus roasting in the oven and turned on the cast iron pan so it could start heating up. 

When My Honey got home, he cooked up some trout and aside from the fact that I let the asparagus cook a little too long and it dried out, supper was delicious.

My niece posted this and said she'd like My Honey to build one for her.
I think it's super cute and wouldn't mind having one myself.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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