Tuesday 28 May 2019

One Month Until NYC (May 26, 2019)

See this - absolutely no boundaries.

He loves to curl around my neck - little goofball.

I got up, jade myself some breakfast than watched another episode of Call the Midwife.
I saw this on Facebook and figured we should definitely build one for our kitties - they would love it.
I sent it to My Honey and work.
He was busy getting lunch cooking out there.
They are having smoked wings.

They also brought out a deep fryer and they are going to deep fry all kinds of goodies out there today.
Those boys do eat well on Sundays when My Honey is on shift.

I got on the treadmill nice and early this morning to get it out of the way.
Got over an hour in.
Felt good about it too.

This was my lunch.
Pickled eggs, gouda cheese, cucumber and coconut greek yogurt.
It was pretty darn good.
I went out to the golf course in the afternoon for a couple of hours to show SV how to do the books.
I did it for them when she & My Honey ran it two summers ago.
Now she is doing it again with another lady.
They painted it all and put up curtains, it looks good out there.

I knew My Honey wouldn't be hungry when he got home so I had leftover ground chicken stir fry that I made last night and an ear of corn.
I had cooked the corn the other night and I just warmed it up, added light mayo and grated parmesan cheese and it was delicious.
I still needed a couple thousand steps to get to the 10,000 mark so I decided to walk to the store to get some grapefruit cups.
Boy, that was another eye opener for me.
I used to walk all over the place no problem but just going to the store, which is mainly downhill from my place, was hard.
I can't believe how out of shape I've gotten.
Thinking about walking back up the hill to go home was daunting and I didn't even want to do it, but I did.
I just realized that we are going to New York 1 month from today and when we are there we do a lot of walking so I need to make an effort to get out and get walking before we go.
I need to shape up a bit.

I had some dried fruit and nuts for a snack after I got home.
I did make it over the 10,000 step mark so I reached my goal.
My Honey got home and it seemed we only had a short time together then it was time for bed.
I don't see much of him when he is working, I'm glad he'll be on days off soon, just two more days to go. 
Miss H and Miss Z got matching dresses today, so cute.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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