Sunday 5 May 2019

Baby F Smiles Are The Best! (April 27, 2019)

My Honey had to work today so I had the house all to myself.

I got up, made a coffee then found a movie to watch.
Juliet, Naked.
This was a cute one that I found - I thought it was pretty good.

I got some laundry started, did a bit of housework then back to the couch for another movie.

This time I picked Second Act.
I like to get all the chick flicks out of the way when My Honey isn't here - I know he doesn't enjoy them as much as I do.
I thought this one was pretty good too.

I was in the mood for beans & weiners so I went to the store for hot dogs and that is what I had for lunch.

Ladies night was going on here in town tonight and Miss H was going.
I told her that I would babysit Baby F but my son didn't have to work so I didn't have too.

I still wanted to see her though so I popped over there for a visit.

She is very busy these days checking everything out.

Especially my phone/camera.

She loves standing up, she can even balance on her own for a few seconds.
I think it won't be long before she is walking all on her own.

Just look at those cheeks and that smile!

Love seeing her so happy!

She's been making these strawberry/zerbert sounds and scrunching her face all up.
My brother A got her started doing it and it just looks so darn cute.

There she goes again, schrunching up those lips.

Ha ha.

It's too darn cute! 

Of course she & I had to take some selfies.

I think she's just going to love hamming it up for the camera.

My Honey dropped by after work to see her too.

She was doing the schrunched up faces for him too.

Then he played peek a boo with her a bit and she thought that was pretty funny.

We stayed for a few hours then headed home.

It was a fairly quiet day really but it was a needed rest and I enjoyed it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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