Saturday 11 May 2019

Dance Recital (May 9, 2019)

As you can see from the picture below, the season of "no socks required" has arrived.

I'm so bummed about this but just can't seem to get my butt in gear to do anything about it.
I really want to but apparently not enough?!
I'm so annoyed with myself but I just keep on repeating the same patterns.

Nothing new to report from work.
Miss A has a dance recital tonight and I'm looking forward to it.

Mama and Baby F were twinning in jean jackets.
All ready to go to the dance recital too.

Miss M and Mr H were there too.
He was acting shy as he always does when he first sees me.

Can't get over the cuteness!

She was just being such a little ham.

OMG - she is such a little dolly!

I know these pictures are all pretty much the same but I love every one so how can I choose one to get rid of?

She was walking back and forth along the chairs and she was pretty proud of herself!

She just loves the phone - Baby Selfie!

The Baby Dancers were first up.

They are so cute to watch.

Baby F was enthralled with the dancing and the music.
She was full on bouncing around on her mama's lap and dancing to the music at one point!

At intermission, we went outside for some fresh air.

Her little jean jacket is adorable.

My little lovey.

She was loving on  her papa.

Cutest baby ever!

Miss A danced right after the intermission.

She does this dance with two other girls and it was my first time seeing the routine.

I love how bright and fun the costumes are.

Look at her go.

She changed quickly and was back on stage for another performance.

It's normally a duo performance but her dance partner couldn't make it (they moved to WCT) so Miss A decided to go ahead and do it on her own.
She rocked it - I was so proud of her!

There were lots of other performances and they were fun to watch.

Being a silly girl.

She was starting to get restless so they were trying to keep her occupied.

The final performance was a hip hop one and it's quite a large group.
Amazing how many kids in this small town take part in the dance group.
It's awesome.

Then it was time for awards.

Each of the kids got one, the dance instructor picked a positive attribute for each dancer and explained why she was awarding them for that particular thing.
It was nice that she put all that effort into it.

I went home and My Honey had just gotten home from work.
We didn't even really get to chat or anything and he was called back out.

He still wasn't home when I went to bed.
Poor guy, he is going to be super tired tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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